Commit 19292999 authored by Lasse Karstensen's avatar Lasse Karstensen

Load balancing example should use new syntax.

One of the examples was still referring to the old way of defining
directors, which I am sure is confusing for the new users this
document is meant for.

Noticed by: coredump on irc.

Used the occation to do some minor scrubbing of the text.
parent 45362c9c
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Now we need tell Varnish where to send the difference URL. Lets look at `vcl_rec
It's quite simple, really. Lets stop and think about this for a
moment. As you can see you can define how you choose backends based on
really arbitrary data. You want to send mobile devices to a different
backend? No problem. ``if (req.User-agent ~ /mobile/) ..`` should do the
backend? No problem. ``if (req.http.User-agent ~ /mobile/) ..`` should do the
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Backends and virtual hosts in Varnish
Varnish fully supports virtual hosts. They might however work in a somewhat
counter intuitive fashion since they are never declared
counter-intuitive fashion since they are never declared
explicitly. You set up the routing of incoming HTTP requests in
`vcl_recv`. If you want this routing to be done on the basis of virtual
hosts you just need to inspect ``.
......@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ Checks come into play.
Health checks
Lets set up a director with two backends and health checks. First lets
define the backends.::
Lets set up a director with two backends and health checks. First let
us define the backends.::
backend server1 {
.host = "";
......@@ -204,29 +204,28 @@ initial
Defaults to the same amount as the threshold.
.. XXX: Where and why? benc
Now we define the 'director'::
import directors;
director example_director round-robin {
{ .backend = server1; }
{ .backend = server2; }
sub vcl_init {
new vdir = directors.round_robin();
You use this director just as you would use any other director or
backend. Varnish will not send traffic to hosts that are marked as
unhealthy. Varnish can also serve stale content if all the backends are
You use this director as a backend_hint for requests, just like you would
with a simple backend. Varnish will not send traffic to hosts that are marked as
Varnish can also serve stale content if all the backends are
down. See :ref:`users-guide-handling_misbehaving_servers` for more
information on how to enable this.
Please note that Varnish will keep probes active for all loaded VCLs. Varnish
Please note that Varnish will keep health probes running for all loaded VCLs. Varnish
will coalesce probes that seem identical - so be careful not to change the
probe config if you do a lot of VCL loading. Unloading the VCL will discard the
For more information on how to do this please see
probes. For more information on how to do this please see ref:`reference-vcl-director`.
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