Commit 1ae70295 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

whats-new: Keep consistent bits examples

parent e2171ae4
......@@ -113,8 +113,14 @@ relative to none of the bits being set. A list of bits can start with the
special value ``none`` to clear all the bits, followed by specific bits to
# atomically update and capture feature flags
$ varnishadm param.set -j feature +http2 | jq -r '.[3].value'
# very insistent systems administrator
$ varnishadm param.set feature +no_coredump | jq -r '.[3].value'
# successful attempt at restoring the captured value
$ varnishadm param.set -j feature none,+http2,+validate_headers | jq -r '.[3].value'
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