Commit 1bc2479c authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Update the OPTIONS section in varnishd(3), and add a section about CLI files.

parent 6dbe82e2
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ HTTP accelerator daemon
varnishd [-a address[:port][,PROTO]] [-b host[:port]] [-C] [-d] [-F] [-f config] [-h type[,options]] [-i identity] [-j jail[,jailoptions]] [-l vsl[,vsm]] [-M address:port] [-n name] [-P file] [-p param=value] [-r param[,param...]] [-S secret-file] [-s [name=]kind[,options]] [-T address[:port]] [-t TTL] [-V] [-W waiter]
varnishd [-a address[:port][,PROTO]] [-b host[:port]] [-C] [-d] [-F] [-f config] [-h type[,options]] [-I clifile] [-i identity] [-j jail[,jailoptions]] [-l vsl[,vsm]] [-M address:port] [-n name] [-P file] [-p param=value] [-r param[,param...]] [-S secret-file] [-s [name=]kind[,options]] [-T address[:port]] [-t TTL] [-V] [-W waiter] [-x parameter|vsl|cli|builtin] [-?]
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ satisfy future requests for the same document.
Basic options
-a <address[:port][,PROTO]>
Listen for client requests on the specified address and port. The
......@@ -44,52 +47,76 @@ OPTIONS
-b <host[:port]>
Use the specified host as backend server. If port is not specified,
the default is 8080.
the default is 8080. -b can be used only once, and not together with
-f config
Print VCL code compiled to C language and exit. Specify the VCL file
to compile with the -f option.
Use the specified VCL configuration file instead of the builtin
default. See :ref:`vcl(7)` for details on VCL syntax.
If a single -f option is used, then the VCL instance loaded from the
file is named "boot" and immediately becomes active. If more than
one -f option is used, the VCL instances are named "boot0", "boot1"
and so forth, in the order corresponding to the -f arguments, and
the last one is named "boot", which becomes active.
Enables debugging mode: The parent process runs in the foreground
with a CLI connection on stdin/stdout, and the child process must be
started explicitly with a CLI command. Terminating the parent
process will also terminate the child.
Either -b or one or more -f options must be specified, but not both,
and they cannot both be left out, unless -d is used to start
`varnishd` in debugging mode. If the empty string is specified as
the sole -f option, then `varnishd` starts without starting the
worker process, and the management process will accept CLI commands.
-n name
Do not fork, run in the foreground.
Specify the name for this instance. Amongst other things, this name
is used to construct the name of the directory in which `varnishd`
keeps temporary files and persistent state. If the specified name
begins with a forward slash, it is interpreted as the absolute path
to the directory which should be used for this purpose.
-f config
Documentation options
Use the specified VCL configuration file instead of the builtin
default. See :ref:`vcl(7)` for details on VCL syntax.
For these options, `varnishd` prints information to standard output
and exits. When a -x option is used, it must be the only option.
When neither a -f nor a -b argument are given, `varnishd` will not
start the worker process but process cli commands.
-h <type[,options]>
Print the usage message.
Specifies the hash algorithm. See `Hash Algorithm`_ section for a list
of supported algorithms.
-x parameter
-i identity
Print documentation of the runtime parameters (-p options), see
`List of Parameters`_.
Specify the identity of the Varnish server. This can be accessed
using ``server.identity`` from VCL.
-x vsl
-j <jail[,jailoptions]>
Print documentation of the tags used in the Varnish shared memory
log, see :ref:`vsl(7)`.
Specify the jailing mechanism to use. See `Jail`_ section.
-x cli
-l <vsl[,vsm]>
Print documentation of the command line interface, see
Specifies size of shmlog file. vsl is the space for the VSL records
[80M] and vsm is the space for stats counters [1M]. Scaling suffixes
like 'K' and 'M' can be used up to (G)igabytes.
Default is 81 Megabytes.
-x builtin
Print the contents of the default VCL program ``builtin.vcl``.
Operations options
Do not fork, run in the foreground. Only one of -F or -d can be
specified, and -F cannot be used together with -C.
-T <address[:port]>
Offer a management interface on the specified address and port. See
:ref:`varnish-cli(7)` for documentation of the management commands.
To disable the management interface use ``none``.
-M <address:port>
......@@ -97,24 +124,51 @@ OPTIONS
it as a reverse shell. When running with -M and there is no backend
defined the child process (the cache) will not start initially.
-n name
Specify the name for this instance. Amongst other things, this name
is used to construct the name of the directory in which `varnishd`
keeps temporary files and persistent state. If the specified name
begins with a forward slash, it is interpreted as the absolute path
to the directory which should be used for this purpose.
-P file
Write the PID of the process to the specified file.
-i identity
Specify the identity of the Varnish server. This can be accessed
using ``server.identity`` from VCL.
-I clifile
Execute the management commands in the file given as ``clifile``
before the the worker process starts, see `CLI Command File`_.
Tuning options
-t TTL
Specifies the default time to live (TTL) for cached objects. This is
a shortcut for specifying the *default_ttl* run-time parameter.
-p <param=value>
Set the parameter specified by param to the specified value, see
`List of Parameters`_ for details. This option can be used multiple
times to specify multiple parameters.
-s <[name=]type[,options]>
Use the specified storage backend. See `Storage Backend`_ section.
This option can be used multiple times to specify multiple storage
files. Names are referenced in logs, VCL, statistics, etc.
-l <vsl[,vsm]>
Specifies size of shmlog file. vsl is the space for the VSL records
[80M] and vsm is the space for stats counters [1M]. Scaling suffixes
like 'K' and 'M' can be used up to (G)igabytes.
Default is 81 Megabytes.
Security options
-r <param[,param...]>
Make the listed parameters read only. This gives the system
......@@ -129,27 +183,37 @@ OPTIONS
the management port. If not provided a new secret will be drawn
from the system PRNG. To disable authentication use ``none``.
-s <[name=]type[,options]>
-j <jail[,jailoptions]>
Use the specified storage backend. See `Storage Backend`_ section.
Specify the jailing mechanism to use. See `Jail`_ section.
This option can be used multiple times to specify multiple storage
files. Names are referenced in logs, VCL, statistics, etc.
Advanced, development and debugging options
-T <address[:port]>
Offer a management interface on the specified address and port. See
`Management Interface`_ for a list of management commands. To disable
the management interface use ``none``.
Enables debugging mode: The parent process runs in the foreground
with a CLI connection on stdin/stdout, and the child process must be
started explicitly with a CLI command. Terminating the parent
process will also terminate the child.
-t TTL
Only one of -d or -F can be specified, and -d cannot be used together
with -C.
Specifies the default time to live (TTL) for cached objects. This is
a shortcut for specifying the *default_ttl* run-time parameter.
Print VCL code compiled to C language and exit. Specify the VCL file
to compile with the -f option. Either -f or -b must be used with -C,
and -C cannot be used with -F.
Display the version number and exit.
Display the version number and exit. This must be the only option.
-h <type[,options]>
Specifies the hash algorithm. See `Hash Algorithm`_ section for a list
of supported algorithms.
-W waiter
......@@ -271,9 +335,31 @@ Management Interface
If the -T option was specified, `varnishd` will offer a command-line
management interface on the specified address and port. The
recommended way of connecting to the command-line management interface
is through varnishadm(1).
The commands available are documented in varnish(7).
is through :ref:`varnishadm(1)`.
The commands available are documented in :ref:`varnish-cli(7)`.
CLI Command File
The -I option makes it possible to run arbitrary management commands
when `varnishd` is launched, before the worker process is started. In
particular, this is the way to load configurations, apply labels to
them, and make a VCL instance active that uses those labels on
vcl.load panic /etc/varnish_panic.vcl
vcl.load siteA0 /etc/varnish_siteA.vcl
vcl.load siteB0 /etc/varnish_siteB.vcl
vcl.load siteC0 /etc/varnish_siteC.vcl
vcl.label siteA siteA0
vcl.label siteB siteB0
vcl.label siteC siteC0
vcl.load main /etc/varnish_main.vcl
vcl.use main
If a command in the file is prefixed with '-', failure will not abort
the startup.
.. _ref-varnishd-params:
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