Commit 1d5de122 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

Some progress with the vsm docs for new world order

This still needs more TLC! Please feel free to continue...
parent 8e0db2ca
......@@ -6,26 +6,20 @@ Varnish uses shared memory to export parameters, logging and
statistics, because it is faster and much more efficient than
regular files.
"Varnish Shared Memory" or VSM, is the overall mechanism, which
manages a number of allocated "chunks" inside the same shared
memory file.
Each Chunk is just a slap of memory, which has
a three-part name (class, type, ident) and a length.
"Varnish Shared Memory" or VSM, is the overall mechanism maintaining
sets of shared memory files, each consisting a chunk of memory
identified by a two-part name (class, ident).
The Class indicates what type of data is stored in the chunk,
for instance "Arg" for command line arguments useful for
establishing an CLI connection to the varnishd, "Stat" for
statistics counters (VSC) and "Log" for log records (VSL).
The type and ident name parts are mostly used with stats
counters, where they identify dynamic counters, such as:
The ident name part is mostly used with stats counters, where they
identify dynamic counters, such as:
The size of the VSM is a parameter, but changes only take
effect when the child process is restarted.
Shared memory trickery
......@@ -67,13 +61,14 @@ off" period.
The Varnish way:
If varnishd starts, and finds a locked shared memory file, it will
exit with a message about using different -n arguments if you want
multiple instances of varnishd.
.. XXX: not yet up to date with VSM new world order
When varnishd starts, it opens locked shared memory files, advising to
use different -n arguments if an attempt is made to run multiple
varnishd instances with the same name.
Otherwise, it will create a new shared memory file each time it
starts a child process, since that marks a clean break in operation
Child processes each use their own shared memory files, since a worker
process restart marks a clean break in operation anyway.
To the extent possible, old shared memory files are marked as
abandoned by setting the alloc_seq field to zero, which should be
......@@ -107,17 +102,17 @@ VSM and Containers
The varnish way works great with single purpose containers. By sharing
the varnish working directory read-only, vsm clients can be run in
the varnish working directory read-only, vsm readers can be run in
containers separate from those running varnishd instances on the same
When running varnishd and vsm clients in the same process namespace,
pid information can be used by vsm clients to determine if varnishd
When running varnishd and vsm readers in the same process namespace,
pid information can be used by vsm readers to determine if varnishd
processes are alive.
But, when running varnishd and vsm clients in different containers,
But, when running varnishd and vsm readers in different containers,
the pid information has no relevance and may even be ambiguous across
name spaces.
Thus, with such setups, the environment variable VSM_NOPID needs to be
set for vsm clients to disable use of pid information.
set for vsm readers to disable use of pid information.
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