Commit 1d95c7f1 authored by Dag Haavi Finstad's avatar Dag Haavi Finstad Committed by Dridi Boukelmoune

changes.rst: minor language tweak

parent 66562c8c
......@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ Varnish Cache 7.3.1 (2023-11-13)
In particular, this feature is used to reduce resource consumption
of HTTP/2 "rapid reset" attacks (see below).
Note, in particular, that *req_reset* events may lead to client
tasks for which no VCL is called ever. Presumably, this is thus the
first time that valid `vcl(7)` client transactions may not contain
any ``VCL_call`` records.
Note that *req_reset* events may lead to client tasks for which no
VCL is called ever. Presumably, this is thus the first time that
valid `vcl(7)` client transactions may not contain any ``VCL_call``
* The ``cli_limit`` parameter default has been increased from 48KB to
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