pack structs

parent f178ef28
......@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ struct vfp {
struct vfp_entry {
unsigned magic;
#define VFP_ENTRY_MAGIC 0xbe32a027
enum vfp_status closed;
const struct vfp *vfp;
void *priv1;
intptr_t priv2;
enum vfp_status closed;
VTAILQ_ENTRY(vfp_entry) list;
uint64_t calls;
uint64_t bytes_out;
......@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ VTAILQ_HEAD(vdp_entry_s, vdp_entry);
struct vdp_ctx {
unsigned magic;
#define VDP_CTX_MAGIC 0xee501df7
int retval;
struct vdp_entry_s vdp;
struct vdp_entry *nxt;
int retval;
int VDP_bytes(struct req *, enum vdp_action act, const void *ptr, ssize_t len);
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