Commit 238f56a9 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

Document how to test a build tree with varnishtest

Autotools stuff is kept out of the picture, except pkg-config(1) which
is essential for testing foreign code against a fresh Varnish build.
parent dd5aa532
......@@ -114,6 +114,62 @@ different requests. It will start a Varnish server (v1) and add the backend
definition to the VCL specified (-vcl+backend). Finally it starts the
c1-client, which is a single client sending two requests.
Whether you are building a VMOD or trying to use one that you freshly built,
you can tell ``varnishtest`` to pass a *vmod_path* to ``varnishd`` instances
started using the ``varnish -start`` command in your test case::
varnishtest -p vmod_path=... /path/to/*.vtc
This way you can use the same test cases on both installed and built VMODs::
server s1 {...} -start
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
import wossname;
} -start
You are not limited to the *vmod_path* and can pass any parameter, allowing
you to run a build matrix without changing the test suite. You can achieve the
same with macros, but then they need to be defined on each run.
You can see the actual ``varnishd`` command lines in test outputs, they look
roughly like this::
exec varnishd [varnishtest -p params] [testing params] [vtc -arg params]
Parameters you define with ``varnishtest -p`` may be overriden by parameters
needed by ``varnishtest`` to run properly, and they may in turn be overriden
by parameters set in test scripts.
There's also a special mode in which ``varnishtest`` builds itself a PATH and
a *vmod_path* in order to find Varnish binaries (programs and VMODs) in the
build tree surrounding the ``varnishtest`` binary. This is meant for testing
of Varnish under development and will disregard your *vmod_path* if you set
If you need to test your VMOD against a Varnish build tree, you must install
it first, in a temp directory for instance. With information provided by the
installation's *pkg-config(1)* you can build a proper PATH in order to access
Varnish programs, and a *vmod_path* to access both your VMOD and the built-in
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/install/lib/pkgconfig
BINDIR="$(pkg-config --variable=bindir varnishapi)"
SBINDIR="$(pkg-config --variable=sbindir varnishapi)"
VMOD_PATH="<your-build-path>:$(pkg-config --variable=vmoddir varnishapi)"
varnishtest -p vmod_path="$VMOD_PATH" ...
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