Polish HTC error documentation

parent 10f1e5cf
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ SLTM(Length, 0, "Size of object body",
* #include <stdio.h>
* int main(void) {
* #define HTC_STATUS(e, n, s, l) \
* printf("\t\"\\t* %s (%d): %s\\n\"\n", s, n, l);
* printf("\t\"\\t* ``%s`` (%d): %s\\n\"\n", s, n, l);
* #include "include/tbl/htc.h"
* return (0);
* }
......@@ -204,15 +204,15 @@ SLTM(FetchError, 0, "Error while fetching object",
"Logs the error message of a failed fetch operation.\n\n"
"Error messages should be self-explanatory, yet the http connection\n"
"(HTC) class of errors is reported with these symbols:\n\n"
"\t* junk (-5): Received unexpected data\n"
"\t* close (-4): Connection closed\n"
"\t* timeout (-3): Timed out\n"
"\t* overflow (-2): Buffer/workspace too small\n"
"\t* eof (-1): Unexpected end of input\n"
"\t* empty (0): Empty response\n"
"\t* more (1): More data required\n"
"\t* complete (2): Data complete (no error)\n"
"\t* idle (3): Connection was closed while idle\n"
"\t* ``junk`` (-5): Received unexpected data\n"
"\t* ``close`` (-4): Connection closed\n"
"\t* ``timeout`` (-3): Timed out\n"
"\t* ``overflow`` (-2): Buffer/workspace too small\n"
"\t* ``eof`` (-1): Unexpected end of input\n"
"\t* ``empty`` (0): Empty response\n"
"\t* ``more`` (1): More data required\n"
"\t* ``complete`` (2): Data complete (no error)\n"
"\t* ``idle`` (3): Connection was closed while idle\n"
"\nNotice that some HTC errors are never emitted."
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