Commit 35ac814e authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

Update fetch FSM with return(pass)

parent ee5b896b
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ digraph cache_fetch {
v_b_hdrs -> v_b_e
v_b_r [
label="{vbf_stp_startfetch:|{vcl_backend_response\{\}|{bereq.*|beresp.*}}|{{retry|{<max>max?|<retry>ok?}}|abandon|{deliver or pass|{<fetch_304>304?|<non_304>other?}}}}"
v_b_r:retry -> v_b_r_retry [color=purple]
v_b_r:max -> v_b_e
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