Commit 36087a57 authored by Martin Blix Grydeland's avatar Martin Blix Grydeland

Move the TTL and Gzip log record description to vsl_tags.h

parent 7608168d
......@@ -14,64 +14,6 @@ Shared Memory Logging
:Version: 1.0
:Manual section: 7
TTL records
A TTL record is emitted whenever the ttl, grace or keep values for an
object is set.
The format is::
%u %s %d %d %d %d %d [ %d %u %u ]
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | +- Max-Age from Cache-Control header
| | | | | | | | +---- Expires header
| | | | | | | +------- Date header
| | | | | | +------------ Age (incl Age: header value)
| | | | | +--------------- Reference time for TTL
| | | | +------------------ Keep
| | | +--------------------- Grace
| | +------------------------ TTL
| +--------------------------- "RFC" or "VCL"
+------------------------------ object XID
The last three fields are only present in "RFC" headers.
1001 RFC 19 -1 -1 1312966109 4 0 0 23
1001 VCL 10 -1 -1 1312966109 4
1001 VCL 7 -1 -1 1312966111 6
1001 VCL 7 120 -1 1312966111 6
1001 VCL 7 120 3600 1312966111 6
1001 VCL 12 120 3600 1312966113 8
Gzip records
A Gzip record is emitted for each instance of gzip or gunzip work
Worst case, an ESI transaction stored in gzip'ed objects but delivered
gunziped, will run into many of these.
The format is::
%c %c %c %d %d %d %d %d
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | +- Bit length of compressed data
| | | | | | +---- Bit location of 'last' bit
| | | | | +------- Bit location of first deflate block
| | | | +---------- Bytes output
| | | +------------- Bytes input
| | +---------------- 'E' = ESI, '-' = Plain object
| +------------------- 'F' = Fetch, 'D' = Deliver
+---------------------- 'G' = Gzip, 'U' = Gunzip, 'u' = Gunzip-test
U F E 182 159 80 80 1392
G F E 159 173 80 1304 1314
VSL tags
......@@ -139,7 +139,36 @@ SLTM(BogoHeader, "Bogus HTTP received",
SLTM(LostHeader, "Failed attempt to set HTTP header", "")
SLTM(TTL, "TTL set on object", "")
SLTM(TTL, "TTL set on object",
"A TTL record is emitted whenever the ttl, grace or keep\n"
"values for an object is set.\n"
"The format is:\n"
"%u %s %d %d %d %d %d [ %d %u %u ]\n"
"| | | | | | | | | |\n"
"| | | | | | | | | +- Max-Age from Cache-Control header\n"
"| | | | | | | | +---- Expires header\n"
"| | | | | | | +------- Date header\n"
"| | | | | | +------------ Age (incl Age: header value)\n"
"| | | | | +--------------- Reference time for TTL\n"
"| | | | +------------------ Keep\n"
"| | | +--------------------- Grace\n"
"| | +------------------------ TTL\n"
"| +--------------------------- \"RFC\" or \"VCL\"\n"
"+------------------------------ object XID\n"
"The last three fields are only present in \"RFC\" headers.\n"
"1001 RFC 19 -1 -1 1312966109 4 0 0 23\n"
"1001 VCL 10 -1 -1 1312966109 4\n"
"1001 VCL 7 -1 -1 1312966111 6\n"
"1001 VCL 7 120 -1 1312966111 6\n"
"1001 VCL 7 120 3600 1312966111 6\n"
"1001 VCL 12 120 3600 1312966113 8\n"
SLTM(Fetch_Body, "Body fetched from backend", "")
SLTM(VCL_acl, "", "")
SLTM(VCL_call, "VCL method called", "")
......@@ -162,7 +191,30 @@ SLTM(VCL_Debug, "Unused", "")
SLTM(VCL_Log, "Log statement from VCL", "")
SLTM(VCL_Error, "", "")
SLTM(Gzip, "G(un)zip performed on object", "")
SLTM(Gzip, "G(un)zip performed on object",
"A Gzip record is emitted for each instance of gzip or gunzip\n"
"work performed. Worst case, an ESI transaction stored in\n"
"gzip'ed objects but delivered gunziped, will run into many of\n"
"The format is:\n"
"%c %c %c %d %d %d %d %d\n"
"| | | | | | | |\n"
"| | | | | | | +- Bit length of compressed data\n"
"| | | | | | +---- Bit location of 'last' bit\n"
"| | | | | +------- Bit location of first deflate block\n"
"| | | | +---------- Bytes output\n"
"| | | +------------- Bytes input\n"
"| | +---------------- 'E' = ESI, '-' = Plain object\n"
"| +------------------- 'F' = Fetch, 'D' = Deliver\n"
"+---------------------- 'G' = Gzip, 'U' = Gunzip, 'u' = Gunzip-test\n"
"U F E 182 159 80 80 1392\n"
"G F E 159 173 80 1304 1314\n"
SLTM(Link, "Links to a child VXID",
"Links this VXID to any child VXID it initiates\n\n"
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