Commit 377f04d1 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

restructure, improve references, other fixes

parent 3e67d2a3
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ OPTIONS
-f config
Use the specified VCL configuration file instead of the builtin
default. See vcl(7) for details on VCL syntax. When no
default. See :ref:`users_vcl` for details on VCL syntax. When no
configuration is supplied varnishd will not start the cache process.
......@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ OPTIONS
-h <type[,options]>
Specifies the hash algorithm. See Hash Algorithms for a list of
supported algorithms.
Specifies the hash algorithm. See :ref:`ref-varnishd-opt_s` for a
list of supported algorithms.
-i identity
......@@ -85,37 +85,6 @@ OPTIONS
Specify the jailing technology to use.
Jails generalize over various options to reduce the privileges of
varnish sub-processes. They may have specific options and may be
platform specific. Available jails are:
-j solaris
Reduce privileges(5) for varnishd and sub-process to the minimally
required set. Only available on platforms which have the
setppriv(2) call.
-j <unix[,user=`user`][,ccgroup=`group`]>
Default on all other platforms if `varnishd` is either started
with an fe as user ``varnish``.
With the ``unix`` jail technology activated, varnish will switch
to an alternative user for subprocesses and change the effective
uid of the master process whenever possible.
The optional `user` argument specifies which alternative user to
use. It defauls to ``varnish``
The optional `ccgroup` argument specifies a group to add to
varnish subprocesses requiring access to a c-compiler. There is no
-j none
last resort jail choice: With jail technology ``none``, varnish
will run all processes with the privileges it was started with.
-l <shl[,free[,fill]]>
Specifies size of shmlog file. shl is the store for the shared
......@@ -144,8 +113,8 @@ OPTIONS
-p <param=value>
Set the parameter specified by param to the specified value. See
Run-Time Parameters for a list of parameters. This option can be
used multiple times to specify multiple parameters.
:ref:`ref-varnishd-params` for a list of parameters. This option can
be used multiple times to specify multiple parameters.
-r <param[,param...]>
......@@ -158,19 +127,10 @@ OPTIONS
-s <[name=]type[,options]>
Use the specified storage backend. The storage backends can be one
of the following:
Use the specified storage backend, see :ref:`ref-varnishd-opt_s`
-s <malloc[,size]>
-s <file,path[,size[,granularity]]>
-s <persistent,path,size>
See Storage Types in the Users Guide for more information on the
various storage backends. This option can be used multiple times to
specify multiple storage files. Names are referenced in logs, vcl,
statistics, etc.
This option can be used multiple times to specify multiple storage
files. Names are referenced in logs, vcl, statistics, etc.
-S file
......@@ -180,7 +140,7 @@ OPTIONS
-T <address[:port]>
Offer a management interface on the specified address and port. See
Management Interface for a list of management commands.
:ref:`ref-varnishd-opt_T` for a list of management commands.
-t ttl
......@@ -200,9 +160,10 @@ OPTIONS
Display the version number and exit.
.. _opt_h:
Hash Algorithms
Hash Algorithm Options
The following hash algorithms are available:
......@@ -226,8 +187,10 @@ The following hash algorithms are available:
default is 16383.
Storage Types
.. _ref-varnishd-opt_s:
Storage Backend Options
The following storage types are available:
......@@ -259,6 +222,43 @@ The following storage types are available:
storage backend has multiple issues with it and will likely be
removed from a future version of Varnish.
.. _ref-varnishd-opt_j:
Jail Options
Varnish jails are a generalization over various platform specific
methods to reduce the privileges of varnish processes. They may have
specific options. Available jails are:
-j solaris
Reduce privileges(5) for varnishd and sub-process to the minimally
required set. Only available on platforms which have the setppriv(2)
-j <unix[,user=`user`][,ccgroup=`group`]>
Default on all other platforms if `varnishd` is either started with
an effective uid of 0 ("as root") or as user ``varnish``.
With the ``unix`` jail technology activated, varnish will switch to
an alternative user for subprocesses and change the effective uid of
the master process whenever possible.
The optional `user` argument specifies which alternative user to
use. It defauls to ``varnish``
The optional `ccgroup` argument specifies a group to add to varnish
subprocesses requiring access to a c-compiler. There is no default.
-j none
last resort jail choice: With jail technology ``none``, varnish will
run all processes with the privileges it was started with.
.. _ref-varnishd-opt_T:
Management Interface
......@@ -270,49 +270,68 @@ is through varnishadm(1).
The commands available are documented in varnish(7).
Run-Time Parameters
.. _ref-varnishd-params:
Run Time Parameter Flags
Runtime parameters are marked with shorthand flags to avoid repeating
the same text over and over in the table below. The meaning of the
flags are:
We have no solid information about good/bad/optimal values for
this parameter. Feedback with experience and observations are
most welcome.
* `experimental`
We have no solid information about good/bad/optimal values for this
parameter. Feedback with experience and observations are most
* `delayed`
This parameter can be changed on the fly, but will not take effect
* `restart`
The worker process must be stopped and restarted, before this
parameter takes effect.
* `reload`
The VCL programs must be reloaded for this parameter to take effect.
* `experimental`
We're not really sure about this parameter, tell us what you find.
* `wizard`
This parameter can be changed on the fly, but will not take
effect immediately.
Do not touch unless you *really* know what you're doing.
The worker process must be stopped and restarted, before this
parameter takes effect.
* `only_root`
The VCL programs must be reloaded for this parameter to take effect.
Only works if varnishd is running as root.
We're not really sure about this parameter, tell us what you find.
Default Value Exceptions on 32 bit Systems
Do not touch unless you *really* know what you're doing.
Be aware that on 32 bit systems, certain default values are reduced
relative to the values listed below, in order to conserve VM space:
Only works if varnishd is running as root.
* workspace_client: 16k
* thread_pool_workspace: 16k
* http_resp_size: 8k
* http_req_size: 12k
* gzip_stack_buffer: 4k
* thread_pool_stack: 64k
Here is a list of all parameters, current as of last time we
remembered to update the manual page. This text is produced from the
same text you will find in the CLI if you use the command,
so should there be a new parameter which is not listed here, you can
find the description using the CLI commands.
List of Parameters
Be aware that on 32 bit systems, certain default values, such as
workspace_client (=16k), thread_pool_workspace (=16k), http_resp_size
(=8k), http_req_size (=12k), gzip_stack_buffer (=4k) and
thread_pool_stack (=64k) are reduced relative to the values listed
here, in order to conserve VM space.
This text is produced from the same text you will find in the CLI if
you use the command:
.. include:: ../include/params.rst
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