Commit 3e15c14f authored by Lasse Karstensen's avatar Lasse Karstensen

Handle Home and End keys in varnishstat.

This has bugged me (slightly) for ages.

Too trivial to warrant its own line(s) in test-case/u00008.vtc.
parent e46ae71a
......@@ -890,6 +890,12 @@ handle_keypress(int ch)
if (page_start + l_points < n_ptarray - 1)
page_start += l_points;
case KEY_HOME:
current = 0;
case KEY_END:
current = n_ptarray - 1;
case 'd':
hide_unseen = 1 - hide_unseen;
rebuild = 1;
......@@ -85,6 +85,12 @@ The following keys control the interactive display:
Navigate the counter list one page down.
Navigate the counter list to the top.
Navigate the counter list to the bottom.
Toggle between showing and hiding unseen counters. Unseen
counters are those that has been zero for the entire runtime
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