Commit 41071281 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Write up VMOD unix in "Upgrading to 6.0".

parent 694eaa29
......@@ -402,10 +402,30 @@ VMOD std
listener is UDS. :ref:`std.set_ip_tos(INT) <func_set_ip_tos>` is
silently ignored when the listener is UDS.
XXX VCL subhead 2
XXX: ...
VMOD unix
:ref:`vmod_unix(3)` provides functions to determine the credentials of
the peer process (user and group of the process owner) that connected
to Varnish over a listener at a Unix domain socket. You can use this,
for example, to impose tighter restrictions on who can access certain
import unix;
sub vcl_recv {
# Return "403 Forbidden" if the connected peer is
# not running as the user "trusteduser".
if (unix.user() != "trusteduser") {
return( synth(403) );
This is not available on every platform. As always, check the
documentation and test the code before you attempt something like this
in production.
Other changes
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