Commit 415ed78f authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp


parent 9f5044eb
......@@ -517,9 +517,10 @@ event_warm(VRT_CTX, const struct vmod_priv *priv)
struct priv_vcl *priv_vcl;
char buf[32];
const char *vcl_name = VCL_Name(ctx->vcl);
// Using VSLs for coverage
VSLs(SLT_Debug, 0, TOSTRANDS(2, VCL_Name(ctx->vcl), ": VCL_EVENT_WARM"));
VSLs(SLT_Debug, 0, TOSTRANDS(2, vcl_name, ": VCL_EVENT_WARM"));
if (cache_param->max_esi_depth == 42) {
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