Commit 4ab11004 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

vrg: Consistency check of backend responses

That is, only when http_range_support is on, which is the default.

Refs #3246
parent acd2cd05
......@@ -492,6 +492,11 @@ vbf_stp_startfetch(struct worker *wrk, struct busyobj *bo)
http_GetHdrField(bo->beresp, H_Connection, "close", NULL))
bo->htc->doclose = SC_RESP_CLOSE;
if (VRG_CheckBo(bo) < 0) {
return (F_STP_ERROR);
if (wrk->handling == VCL_RET_ABANDON || wrk->handling == VCL_RET_FAIL ||
wrk->handling == VCL_RET_ERROR) {
/* do not count deliberately ending the backend connection as
......@@ -255,3 +255,73 @@ const struct vdp VDP_range = {
.bytes = vrg_range_bytes,
.fini = vrg_range_fini,
VRG_CheckBo(struct busyobj *bo)
ssize_t rlo, rhi, crlo, crhi, crlen, clen;
const char *err;
if (!cache_param->http_range_support)
return (0);
err = http_GetRange(bo->bereq0, &rlo, &rhi);
clen = http_GetContentLength(bo->beresp);
crlen = http_GetContentRange(bo->beresp, &crlo, &crhi);
if (err != NULL) {
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_Error, "Invalid range header (%s)", err);
return (-1);
if (crlen < -1) {
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_Error, "Invalid content-range header");
return (-1);
if (clen < -1) {
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_Error, "Invalid content-length header");
return (-1);
if (crlo < 0 || crhi < 0) {
AZ(http_GetHdr(bo->beresp, H_Content_Range, NULL));
return (0);
if (rlo < 0 && rhi < 0) {
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_Error, "Unexpected content-range header");
return (-1);
#define RANGE_CHECK(val, op, crval, what) \
do { \
if (val >= 0 && !(val op crval)) { \
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_Error, \
"Expected " what " %zd, got %zd", \
crval, val); \
return (-1); \
} \
} while (0)
crlen = crhi - crlo + 1;
RANGE_CHECK(clen, ==, crlen, "content length");
/* NB: if the client didn't specify a low range the high range
* was adjusted based on the resource length, and a high range
* is allowed to be out of bounds so at this point there is
* nothing left to check.
if (rlo < 0)
return (0);
RANGE_CHECK(rlo, ==, crlo, "low range");
RANGE_CHECK(rhi, >=, crhi, "minimum high range");
return (0);
......@@ -396,6 +396,9 @@ void Pool_PurgeStat(unsigned nobj);
int Pool_Task_Any(struct pool_task *task, enum task_prio prio);
void pan_pool(struct vsb *);
/* cache_range.c */
int VRG_CheckBo(struct busyobj *);
/* cache_req.c */
struct req *Req_New(const struct worker *, struct sess *);
void Req_Release(struct req *);
......@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ client c5 {
server s1 {
expect req.url == "/3"
txresp -hdr "Content-length: 3" -body "BLA"
} -start
......@@ -234,3 +235,42 @@ client c7 {
expect resp.http.foobar == foobar
expect resp.http.accept-ranges == foobar
} -run
server s1 {
expect req.http.range == "bytes=10-19"
txresp -status 206 -hdr "content-range: bytes 0-49/100" -bodylen 40
expect req.http.range == "bytes=10-19"
txresp -status 206 -hdr "content-range: bytes 10-19/100" -bodylen 40
expect req.url == "/4"
expect req.http.range == <undef>
txresp -hdr "content-range: bytes 0-49/100" -bodylen 40
} -start
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.http.return == "pass") {
return (pass);
client c8 {
# range vs content-range vs content-length
txreq -hdr "range: bytes=10-19" -hdr "return: pass"
expect resp.status == 503
txreq -hdr "range: bytes=10-19" -hdr "return: pass"
expect resp.status == 503
txreq -url /4
expect resp.status == 503
} -run
......@@ -36,10 +36,14 @@ client c1 {
expect resp.status == 206
expect resp.http.Content-Length == 2
expect resp.http.X-Varnish == "1001"
} -run
varnish v1 -cliok "param.set http_range_support off"
client c2 {
# NB: Deliberately bogus Range header
txreq -url "/bar" -hdr "Range: 200-300"
expect resp.status == 206
expect resp.http.X-Varnish == "1003"
expect resp.http.X-Varnish == "1004"
} -run
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ server s1 {
sendhex 1f8b
} -start
varnish v1 -cliok "param.set http_range_support off"
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.url == "/pass") {
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