Commit 4d7b204c authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

More details on 6.0 packaging changes

It turns out people are really attached to their varnish.params file.
parent 09599008
......@@ -592,6 +592,17 @@ since there's no more reasons to have them diverge: we initially
inherited packaging support from downstream package maintainers, and
they deserve many thanks for that.
The biggest change that resulted in unifying our systemd setup across
all official packages is that the ``varnish.params`` file available on
Red Hat derivatives is gone. We noticed that using an environment file
to hide the fact that ``varnishd`` is configured via command line
arguments misled some people into thinking that what was proposed in
the file was your only set of configuration options. For example, you
can specify multiple listen addresses using multiple ``-a`` options
but you only get variables for one address and a catch-all variable
``DAEMON_OPTS`` for anything not fitting in the template. In addition
using an environment file pollutes the process's environment.
Another big difference between Red Hat and Debian derivatives was the
way we handled VCL reloads via the service manager. We introduced a
new ``varnishreload`` script that operates on top of ``varnishadm``
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