Commit 4dc2402a authored by Jordan Christiansen's avatar Jordan Christiansen Committed by Nils Goroll

Document VSC files

parent 051d1efb
......@@ -636,3 +636,65 @@ unless they access VMOD specific global state, shared with other VCLs.
Traffic in other VCLs which also import this VMOD, will be happening
while housekeeping is going on.
Statistics Counters
Starting in Varnish 6.0, VMODs can define their own counters that appear
in *varnishstat*.
If you're using autotools, see the ``VARNISH_COUNTERS`` macro in
varnish.m4 for documentation on getting your build set up.
Counters are defined in a .vsc file. The ``VARNISH_COUNTERS`` macro
calls ** to turn a *foo.vsc* file into *VSC_foo.c* and
*VSC_foo.h* files, just like ** turns *foo.vcc* into
*vcc_foo_if.c* and *vcc_foo_if.h* files. Similarly to the VCC files, the
generated VSC files give you a structure and functions that you can use
in your VMOD's code to create and destroy the counters your defined. The
** tool also generates a *VSC_foo.rst* file that you can
include in your documentation to describe the counters your VMOD has.
The .vsc file looks like this::
.. varnish_vsc_begin:: xkey
:oneliner: xkey Counters
:order: 70
Metrics from vmod_xkey
.. varnish_vsc:: g_keys
:type: gauge
:oneliner: Number of surrogate keys
Number of surrogate keys in use. Increases after a request that includes a new key in the xkey header. Decreases when a key is purged or when all cache objects associated with a key expire.
.. varnish_vsc_end:: xkey
Counters can have the following parameters:
The type of metric this is. Can be one of ``counter``,
``gauge``, or ``bitmap``.
The type that this counter will have in the C code. This can
only be ``uint64_t`` and does not need to be specified.
The verbosity level of this counter. *varnishstat* will only
show counters with a higher verbosity level than the one
currently configured. Can be one of ``info``, ``diag``, or
A short, one line description of the counter.
I don't know what this does.
Can be one of ``integer``, ``bytes``, ``bitmap``, or ``duration``.
After these parameters, a counter can have a longer description, though
this description has to be all on one line in the .vsc file.
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