Commit 4e8e9a74 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

changes: shard

parent 30c0d087
......@@ -41,3 +41,23 @@ no browsers support that, but tools like curl does.
For encrypted HTTP/2 traffic, put a SSL proxy in front of Varnish.
The Shard Director
We have added to the directors vmod an overhauled version of a
director which was available as an out-of-tree vmod under the name
VSLP for a couple of years: It's basically a better hash director,
which uses consistent hashing to provide improved stability of backend
node selection when the configuration and/or health state of backends
changes. There are several options to provide the shard key. The
rampup feature allows to take just-gone-healthy backends in production
smoothly, while the prewarm feature allows to prepare backends for
traffic which they would see if the primary backend for a certain key
went down.
It can be reconfigured dynamically (outside vcl_init), but different
to our other directors, configuration is transactional: Any series of
backend changes must be concluded by a reconfigure call for
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