Commit 5b4e5003 authored by Pål Hermunn Johansen's avatar Pål Hermunn Johansen

Tiny doc fix for varnishncsa

parent 017e6d12
......@@ -177,14 +177,13 @@ Supported formatters are:
Output value set by std.log("key:value") in VCL.
VSL:tag or VSL:tag[field]
The value of the varnishlog entry with the given tag. If field is
specified, only the selected part is shown. Defaults to "-"
(without the quotes) when the key is not seen, or when the field
is out of bounds. If a key appears several times in a single
transaction, only the first occurrence is used. Example: The
formatter %{VSL:Begin[2]}x will print the second field of the
Begin tag, which is the vxid of the parent transaction.
Begin tag, which is the VXID of the parent transaction.
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