Commit 61a465e0 authored by Martin Blix Grydeland's avatar Martin Blix Grydeland

VRB_Ignore() errors and connection close test case

parent 29b037fc
varnishtest "VRB_Ignore and connection close"
server s1 {
txresp -body HIT
} -start
varnish v1 -arg "-p timeout_idle=1" -vcl+backend {
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.url == "/synth") {
return (synth(200, "SYNTH"));
} -start
# Prime an object
client c1 {
txreq -url /hit
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == HIT
} -run
# Test synth
client c2 {
txreq -req POST -url /synth -hdr "Content-Length: 2"
# Send 1 byte
send a
# Wait timeout_idle
delay 1.1
# Send 1 byte
send b
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.reason == SYNTH
expect resp.http.connection == close
timeout 0.5
} -run
# Test cache hit
client c3 {
txreq -req GET -url /hit -hdr "Content-Length: 2"
# Send 1 byte
send a
# Wait timeout_idle
delay 1.1
# Send 1 byte
send b
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == HIT
expect resp.http.connection == close
timeout 0.5
} -run
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