Commit 6483ae21 authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp

Split backend and probe content out of vcl(7) to separate pages.

parent 47a9ae00
......@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ The VCL language
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
VCL - Varnish Configuration Language <vcl>
VCL - The Varnish Configuration Language <vcl>
VCL backend configuration <vcl-backend>
VCL backend health probe <vcl-probe>
VCL Design Patterns
.. role:: ref(emphasis)
.. _vcl-backend(7):
Configuring Backends
:Manual section: 7
.. _backend_definition:
Backend definition
A backend declaration creates and initialises a named backend object.
A declaration start with the keyword ``backend`` followed by the name of the
backend. The actual declaration is in curly brackets, in a key/value fashion.::
backend name {
.attribute1 = value;
.attribute2 = value;
If there is a backend named ``default`` it will be used unless another
backend is explicitly set. If no backend is named ``default`` the first
backend in the VCL program becomes the default.
If you only use dynamic backends created by VMODs, an empty, always failing
(503) backend can be specified::
backend default none;
A backend must be specified with either a ``.host`` or a ``.path`` attribute, but
not both. All other attributes have default values.
Attribute ``.host``
To specify a networked backend ``.host`` takes either a numeric
IPv4/IPv6 address or a domain name which resolves to *at most*
one IPv4 and one IPv6 address::
.host = "";
.host = "[::1]:8080";
.host = "";
The TCP port number can be specied as part of ``.host`` as a bove
or separately using the ``.port`` attribute::
.port = 8081;
Attribute ``.path``
The absolute path to a Unix(4) domain socket of a local backend::
.path = "/var/run/http.sock";
A warning will be issued if the uds-socket does not exist when the
VCL is loaded. This makes it possible to start the UDS-listening peer,
or set the socket file's permissions afterwards.
If the uds-socket socket does not exist or permissions deny access,
connection attempts will fail.
Attribute ``.host_header``
A host header to add to probes and regular backend requests if they have no such header::
.host_header = "Host:";
Timeout Attributes
These attributes control how patient `varnishd` is during backend fetches::
.connect_timeout = 1.4s;
.first_byte_timeout = 20s;
.between_bytes_timeout = 10s;
The default values comes parameters with the same names, see :ref:`varnishd(1)`.
Attribute ``.max_connections``
Limit how many simultaneous connections varnish can open to the backend::
.max_connections = 1000;
Attribute ``.proxy_header``
Send a PROXY protocol header to the backend with the ``client.ip`` and
``server.ip`` values::
.proxy_header = 2;
Legal values are one and two, depending which version of the PROXY protocol you want.
*Notice* this setting will lead to backend connections being used
for a single request only (subject to future improvements). Thus,
extra care should be taken to avoid running into failing backend
connections with EADDRNOTAVAIL due to no local ports being
available. Possible options are:
* Use additional backend connections to extra IP addresses or TCP ports
* Increase the number of available ports (Linux sysctl ``net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range``)
* Reuse backend connection ports early (Linux sysctl ``net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse``)
Attribute ``.preamble``
Send a BLOB on all newly opened connections to the backend::
.preamble = :SGVsbG8gV29ybGRcbgo=:;
Attribute ``.probe``
Please see :ref:`vcl-probe(7)`.
* :ref:`varnishd(1)`
* :ref:`vcl(7)`
* :ref:`vcl-probe(7)`
* :ref:`vmod_directors(3)`
* :ref:`vmod_std(3)`
VCL was developed by Poul-Henning Kamp in cooperation with Verdens
Gang AS, Redpill Linpro and Varnish Software. This manual page is
written by Per Buer, Poul-Henning Kamp, Martin Blix Grydeland,
Kristian Lyngstøl, Lasse Karstensen and others.
This document is licensed under the same license as Varnish
itself. See LICENSE for details.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Verdens Gang AS
* Copyright (c) 2006-2021 Varnish Software AS
.. role:: ref(emphasis)
.. _vcl-probe(7):
Configuring Backend Health Probes
:Manual section: 7
.. _reference-vcl_probes:
Backend health probes
Varnish can be configured to periodically send a request to test if a
backend is answering and thus "healthy".
Probes can be configured per backend::
backend foo {
.probe = {
They can be named and shared between backends::
probe light {
backend foo {
.probe = light;
backend bar {
.probe = light;
Or a ``default`` probe can be defined, which applies to all backends
without a specific ``.probe`` configured::
probe default {
The basic syntax is the same as for backends::
probe name {
.attribute1 = value;
.attribute2 = "value";
There are no mandatory attributes, they all have defaults.
Attribute ``.url``
The URL to query. Defaults to ``/``::
.url = "/health-probe";
Attribute ``.request``
Can be used to specify a full HTTP/1.1 request to be sent::
.request = "GET / HTTP/1.1"
"X-Magic: We're fine with this."
"Connection: close";
Each of the strings will have ``CRNL`` appended and a final HTTP
header block terminating ``CRNL`` will be appended as well.
Because connection shutdown is part of the health check,
``Connection: close`` is mandatory.
Attribute ``.expected_response``
The expected HTTP status, defaults to ``200``::
.expected_response = 418;
Attribute ``.timeout``
How fast the probe must succeed, default is two seconds::
.timeout = 10s;
Attribute ``.interval``
Time between probes, default is five seconds::
.interval = 1m;
The backend health shift register
Backend health probes uses a 64 stage shift register to remember the
most recent health probes and to evaluate the total health of the backend.
In the CLI, a good backend health status looks like this:
.. code-block:: text
varnish> backend.list -p boot.backend
Backend name Admin Probe Health Last change
boot.backend probe 5/5 healthy Wed, 13 Jan 2021 10:31:50 GMT
Current states good: 5 threshold: 4 window: 5
Average response time of good probes: 0.000793
Oldest ================================================== Newest
4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Good IPv4
Starting from the bottom, the last line shows that this backend has been
declared "Happy" for most the 64 health probes, but there were some
trouble some while ago.
However, in this case the ``.window`` is configured to five, and the
``.threshold`` is set to four, so at this point in time, the backend
is considered fully healthy.
An additional ``.initial`` fills that many "happy" entries in the
shift register when the VCL is loaded, so that backends can quickly
become healthy, even if their health is normally considered over
many samples::
.interval = 1s;
.window = 60;
.threshold = 45;
.initial = 43;
This backend will be considered healthy if three out of four health
probes in the last minute were good, but it becomes healthy as soon
as two good probes have happened after the VCL was loaded.
The default values are:
* ``.window`` = 8
* ``.threshold`` = 3
* ``.initial`` = one less than ``.threshold``
* :ref:`varnishd(1)`
* :ref:`vcl(7)`
* :ref:`vcl-backend(7)`
* :ref:`vmod_directors(3)`
* :ref:`vmod_std(3)`
VCL was developed by Poul-Henning Kamp in cooperation with Verdens
Gang AS, Redpill Linpro and Varnish Software. This manual page is
written by Per Buer, Poul-Henning Kamp, Martin Blix Grydeland,
Kristian Lyngstøl, Lasse Karstensen and others.
This document is licensed under the same license as Varnish
itself. See LICENSE for details.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Verdens Gang AS
* Copyright (c) 2006-2021 Varnish Software AS
......@@ -214,157 +214,10 @@ Example::
.. _backend_definition:
Backend definition
A backend declaration creates and initialises a named backend object. A
declaration start with the keyword ``backend`` followed by the name of the
backend. The actual declaration is in curly brackets, in a key/value fashion.::
backend name {
.attribute = "value";
One of the attributes ``.host`` or ``.path`` is mandatory (but not
both). The attributes will inherit their defaults from the global
parameters. The following attributes are available:
The host to be used. IP address or a hostname that resolves to a
single IP address. This attribute is mandatory, unless ``.path``
is declared.
``.path`` (``VCL >= 4.1``)
The absolute path of a Unix domain socket at which a backend is
listening. If the file at that path does not exist or is not
accessible to Varnish at VCL load time, then the VCL compiler
issues a warning, but does not fail. This makes it possible to
start the UDS-listening peer, or set the socket file's
permissions, after starting Varnish or loading VCL with a UDS
backend. But the socket file must exist and have necessary
permissions before the first connection is attempted, otherwise
fetches will fail. If the file does exist and is accessible, then
it must be a socket; otherwise the VCL load fails. One of
``.path`` or ``.host`` must be declared (but not both). ``.path``
may only be used in VCL since version 4.1.
The port on the backend that Varnish should connect to. Ignored if
a Unix domain socket is declared in ``.path``.
A host header to add to probes and regular backend requests if they have no
such header.
Timeout for connections.
Default: ``connect_timeout`` parameter, see :ref:`varnishd(1)`
Timeout for first byte.
Default: ``first_byte_timeout`` parameter, see :ref:`varnishd(1)`
Timeout between bytes.
Default: ``between_bytes_timeout`` parameter, see :ref:`varnishd(1)`
Attach a probe to the backend. See `Probes`_
The PROXY protocol version Varnish should use when connecting to
this backend. Allowed values are ``1`` and ``2``.
*Notice* this setting will lead to backend connections being used
for a single request only (subject to future improvements). Thus,
extra care should be taken to avoid running into failing backend
connections with EADDRNOTAVAIL due to no local ports being
available. Possible options are:
* Use additional backend connections to extra IP addresses or TCP
* Increase the number of available ports (Linux sysctl
* Reuse backend connection ports early (Linux sysctl
Maximum number of open connections towards this backend. If
Varnish reaches the maximum Varnish it will start failing
Empty backends can also be defined using the following syntax.::
backend name none;
An empty backend will always return status code 503 as if it is sick.
Backends can be used with *directors*. Please see the
:ref:`vmod_directors(3)` man page for more information.
.. _reference-vcl_probes:
Probes will query the backend for status on a regular basis and mark
the backend as down it they fail. A probe is defined as this::
probe name {
.attribute = "value";
The probe named ``default`` is special and will be used for all backends
which do not explicitly reference a probe.
There are no mandatory options. These are the options you can set:
The URL to query. Defaults to ``/``.
Mutually exclusive with ``.request``
Specify a full HTTP request using multiple strings. ``.request`` will
have ``\r\n`` automatically inserted after every string.
Mutually exclusive with ``.url``.
*Note* that probes require the backend to complete sending the
response and close the connection within the specified timeout, so
``.request`` will, for ``HTTP/1.1``, most likely need to contain a
``"Connection: close"`` string.
The expected HTTP response code. Defaults to ``200``.
The timeout for the probe. Default is ``2s``.
How often the probe is run. Default is ``5s``.
How many of the polls in ``.window`` are considered good when Varnish
starts. Defaults to the value of ``.threshold`` - 1. In this case, the
backend starts as sick and requires one single poll to be
considered healthy.
How many of the latest polls we examine to determine backend health.
Defaults to ``8``.
How many of the polls in ``.window`` must have succeeded to
consider the backend to be healthy.
Defaults to ``3``.
Backends and health probes
Please see :ref:`vcl-backend(7)` and :ref:`vcl-probe(7)`
Access Control List (ACL)
......@@ -542,6 +395,8 @@ SEE ALSO
* :ref:`varnishd(1)`
* :ref:`vcl-backend(7)`
* :ref:`vcl-probe(7)`
* :ref:`vmod_directors(3)`
* :ref:`vmod_std(3)`
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ dist_man_MANS = \
varnish-cli.7 \
varnish-counters.7 \
vcl.7 \
vcl-backend.7 \
vcl-probe.7 \
vsl.7 \
vsl-query.7 \
varnishadm.1 \
......@@ -48,6 +50,12 @@ vcl.7: $(top_builddir)/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl.rst \
$(BUILD_MAN) $(top_builddir)/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl.rst $@
vcl-backend.7: $(top_builddir)/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl-backend.rst
$(BUILD_MAN) $(top_builddir)/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl-backend.rst $@
vcl-probe.7: $(top_builddir)/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl-probe.rst
$(BUILD_MAN) $(top_builddir)/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl-probe.rst $@
vsl.7: $(top_builddir)/doc/sphinx/reference/vsl.rst \
$(BUILD_MAN) $(top_builddir)/doc/sphinx/reference/vsl.rst $@
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