Commit 69574c5a authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

doc tlc

parent bd70a203
......@@ -154,6 +154,20 @@ C APIs (for vmod and utility authors)
AZ(ObjGetU64(req->wrk, req->body_oc, OA_LEN, &u));
* vmodtool has been changed significantly to avoid various name
clashes. Rather than using literal prefixes/suffixes, vmod authors
should now (and might have to for making existing code continue to
compile) use the following macros
* ``VPFX(name)`` to prepend the vmod prefix (``vmod_`` by default)
* ``VARGS(name)`` as the name of a function/method's argument
struct, e.g.::
VCL_VOID vmod_test(VRT_CTX, struct VARGS(test) *args) { ...
* ``VENUM(name)`` to access the enum by the name `name`
Fixed bugs
......@@ -324,6 +324,10 @@ ENUM
Allows values from a set of constant strings. `Note` that the
C-type is a string, not a C enum.
Enums will be passed as fixed pointers, so instead of string
comparisons, also pointer comparisons with ``VENUM(name)`` are
C-type: ``const struct gethdr_s *``
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