Commit 6ac01261 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Document UDS backend addressing in vcl(7).

parent a92f9aa9
......@@ -212,16 +212,24 @@ backend. The actual declaration is in curly brackets, in a key/value fashion.::
.attribute = "value";
The only mandatory attribute is ``.host``. The attributes will inherit
their defaults from the global parameters. The following attributes
are available:
One of the attributes ``.host`` or ``.path`` is mandatory (but not
both). The attributes will inherit their defaults from the global
parameters. The following attributes are available:
``.host`` *(mandatory)*
The host to be used. IP address or a hostname that resolves to a
single IP address.
single IP address. This attribute is mandatory, unless ``.path``
is declared.
The absolute path of a Unix domain socket at which a backend is
listening. The file at that path must exist and must be accessible
to Varnish at VCL load time, and it must be a socket. One of
``.path`` or ``.host`` must be declared (but not both).
The port on the backend that Varnish should connect to.
The port on the backend that Varnish should connect to. Ignored if
a Unix domain socket is declared in ``.path``.
A host header to add to probes and regular backend requests if they have no
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