Commit 6b39846d authored by Per Buer's avatar Per Buer

the basics on persistent storage.

Explained the semantics quickly so people understand why not all objects survive a crash
parent 9bef407d
......@@ -205,8 +205,32 @@ file[,path[,size[,granularity]]]
The default size is the VM page size. The size should be reduced if you have many small objects.
New, shiny, better.
persistent,path,size {experimental}
Persistent storage. Varnish will store objects in a file in a
manner that will secure the survival of *most* of the objects in
the event of a planned or unplanned shutdown of Varnish.
The path parameter specifies the path to the backing file. If
the file doesn't exist Varnish will create it.
The size parameter specifies the size of the backing file. The
size is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by one of the
following suffixes:
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
Varnish will split the file into logical *silos* and write to
the silos in the manner of a circular buffer. Only one silo will
be kept open at any given point in time. Full silos are
*sealed*. When Varnish starts after a shutdown it will discard
the content of any silo that isn't sealed.
Storage for transient (short lived) objects. By default this is
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