Commit 7048a238 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

whats-new: Mention systemd changes

Refs varnishcache/pkg-varnish-cache#154
parent a77f3d71
......@@ -205,9 +205,21 @@ log processing utilities.
Platform Support
With the End of Life of CentOS 8, there will be no more packages for Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 8 and its derivatives. We track CentOS Stream in Continuous
Integration so Varnish Cache is expected to work on this platform, but there
will be no el8 packages from now on.
The kill mode of the varnish service was changed from ``process`` to ``mixed``
to ensure that the cache process is killed if the manager process is timed out
by systemd. Otherwise, a race exists if the cache process where a restart is
carried on before the old cache process exits, creating conflict on resources
such as listen ports.
......@@ -143,4 +143,15 @@ In the VMOD descriptor, it is possible to add the following stanza::
This is a good occasion to revisit unfortunate name choices in existing VMODs.
Platform Support
To make the selection of the main process deterministic for the kill mode, a
PID file is now expected by default in the varnish service. In a setup where
the service command for ``ExecStart`` is overridden, a ``-P`` option matching
the ``PIDFile`` setting is needed.
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