Commit 781e8233 authored by Martin Blix Grydeland's avatar Martin Blix Grydeland

Document SLT_ExpKill

Use an attribute like syntax for these log records to make the
documentation more readable.
parent 81ac141c
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ EXP_Rearm(struct object *o, double now, double ttl, double grace, double keep)
when = exp_when(o);
VSL(SLT_ExpKill, 0, "EXP_Rearm %p %.9f %.9f 0x%x", oc,
VSL(SLT_ExpKill, 0, "EXP_Rearm p=%p E=%.9f e=%.9f f=0x%x", oc,
oc->timer_when, when, oc->flags);
if (oc->timer_when == when)
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ EXP_NukeOne(struct busyobj *bo, struct lru *lru)
VTAILQ_FOREACH(oc, &lru->lru_head, lru_list) {
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "LRU_Cand %p f=0x%x r=%d",
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "LRU_Cand p=%p f=0x%x r=%d",
oc, oc->flags, oc->refcnt);
AZ(oc->flags & OC_F_DYING);
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ EXP_NukeOne(struct busyobj *bo, struct lru *lru)
if (oc == NULL) {
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "LRU failed");
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "LRU_Fail");
return (-1);
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ EXP_NukeOne(struct busyobj *bo, struct lru *lru)
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "LRU %u",
VSLb(bo->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "LRU x=%u",
oc_getxid(bo->stats, oc) & VSL_IDENTMASK);
(void)HSH_DerefObjCore(bo->stats, &oc);
return (1);
......@@ -379,7 +379,8 @@ EXP_NukeLRU(struct worker *wrk, struct vsl_log *vsl, struct lru *lru)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
oc = oc_array[i];
o = oc_getobj(&wrk->stats, oc);
VSLb(vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "%u %.0f LRU",
/* XXX: Not documented in vsl_tags.h */
VSLb(vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "x=%u t=%.0f LRU",
oc_getxid(&wrk->stats, oc) & VSL_IDENTMASK,
EXP_Ttl(NULL, o) - t);
o->exp.ttl = 0.0;
......@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ exp_inbox(struct exp_priv *ep, struct objcore *oc, double now)
VSLb(&ep->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "EXP_INBOX %p %.9f 0x%x", oc,
VSLb(&ep->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "EXP_Inbox p=%p e=%.9f f=0x%x", oc,
oc->timer_when, oc->flags);
AZ(oc->flags & OC_F_BUSY);
......@@ -429,7 +430,7 @@ exp_inbox(struct exp_priv *ep, struct objcore *oc, double now)
if (flags & OC_F_DYING) {
VSLb(&ep->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "EXP_KILL %p %.9f 0x%x", oc,
VSLb(&ep->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "EXP_Kill p=%p e=%.9f f=0x%x", oc,
oc->timer_when, oc->flags);
if (!(flags & OC_F_INSERT)) {
assert(oc->timer_idx != BINHEAP_NOIDX);
......@@ -447,7 +448,7 @@ exp_inbox(struct exp_priv *ep, struct objcore *oc, double now)
VSLb(&ep->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "EXP_WHEN %p %.9f 0x%x", oc,
VSLb(&ep->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "EXP_When p=%p e=%.9f f=0x%x", oc,
oc->timer_when, flags);
......@@ -518,7 +519,7 @@ exp_expire(struct exp_priv *ep, double now)
o = oc_getobj(&ep->wrk->stats, oc);
VSLb(&ep->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "%u %.0f",
VSLb(&ep->vsl, SLT_ExpKill, "EXP_Expired x=%u t=%.0f",
oc_getxid(&ep->wrk->stats, oc) & VSL_IDENTMASK,
EXP_Ttl(NULL, o) - now);
(void)HSH_DerefObjCore(&ep->wrk->stats, &oc);
......@@ -229,7 +229,47 @@ SLTM(ExpBan, "Object evicted due to ban",
"Logs the VXID when an object is banned.\n\n"
SLTM(ExpKill, "Object expired", "")
SLTM(ExpKill, "Object expiry event",
"Logs events related to object expiry. The events are:\n\n"
"\tLogged when the expiry time of an object changes.\n\n"
"\tLogged when the expiry thread picks an object from the inbox for"
" processing.\n\n"
"\tLogged when the expiry thread kills an object from the inbox.\n\n"
"\tLogged when the expiry thread moves an object on the binheap.\n\n"
"\tLogged when the expiry thread expires an object.\n\n"
"\tLogged when an object is evaluated for LRU force expiry.\n\n"
"\tLogged when an object is force expired due to LRU.\n\n"
"\tLogged when no suitable candidate object is found for LRU force"
" expiry.\n\n"
"The format is::\n\n"
"\tEXP_Rearm p=%p E=%f e=%f f=0x%x\n"
"\tEXP_Inbox p=%p e=%f f=0x%x\n"
"\tEXP_Kill p=%p e=%f f=0x%x\n"
"\tEXP_When p=%p e=%f f=0x%x\n"
"\tEXP_Expired x=%u t=%f\n"
"\tLRU_Cand p=%p f=0x%x r=%d\n"
"\tLRU x=%u\n"
"\tp=%p Objcore pointer\n"
"\tt=%f Remaining TTL (s)\n"
"\te=%f Expiry time (unix epoch)\n"
"\tE=%f Old expiry time (unix epoch)\n"
"\tf=0x%x Objcore flags\n"
"\tr=%d Objcore refcount\n"
"\tx=%u Object VXID\n"
SLTM(WorkThread, "", "")
SLTM(ESI_xmlerror, "ESI parser error or warning message",
......@@ -255,6 +295,7 @@ SLTM(Backend_health, "Backend health check",
"\t| | +------------------- Probe window bits\n"
"\t| +---------------------- Status message\n"
"\t+------------------------- Backend name\n"
SLTM(VCL_Debug, "(unused)", "")
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