Commit 7b21e7e3 authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp

Start introducing "struct suckaddr" which will become our new VCL_IP type.

parent a32c8272
-printf(3, VSL)
-printf(2, http_PrintfHeader)
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ struct cli;
struct director;
struct VCL_conf;
struct sockaddr_storage;
struct suckaddr;
* This is the central definition of the mapping from VCL types to
......@@ -225,6 +226,9 @@ void VRT_synth_page(const struct vrt_ctx *, unsigned flags, const char *, ...);
void VRT_init_dir(struct cli *, struct director **, int idx, const void *priv);
void VRT_fini_dir(struct cli *, struct director *);
/* Suckaddr related */
int VRT_VSA_GetPtr(const struct suckaddr *sua, const unsigned char ** dst);
/* VMOD/Modules related */
int VRT_Vmod_Init(void **hdl, void *ptr, int len, const char *nm,
const char *path, struct cli *cli);
......@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
struct suckaddr;
extern const int vsa_suckaddr_len;
int VSA_Sane(const void *);
socklen_t VSA_Len(const void *);
unsigned VSA_Port(const void *);
......@@ -40,6 +40,162 @@
#include "vas.h"
#include "vsa.h"
#include "vrt.h"
* Struct sockaddr{|_in|_in6|_storage} is absolutely the worst data
* structure I have ever seen gold-plated in international standards.
* Network addresses have multiple different forms, many fewer today
* than in last century, but imagine that in addition to IPv4 and IPv6
* we had 40 other protocols. Actually, you don't need to imagine that
* just count the AF_* macros in /usr/include/sys/socket.h.
* So what do we pass the kernel API for an address to bind(2), connect(2) &
* listen(2) etc. etc ?
* We could define a struct which is big enough to hold any and all
* of these addresses. That would make it a fixed size argument.
* obviously the struct would have to be something like:
* struct bla {
* int family;
* char address[MAX_ADDR_LEN];
* }
* and MAX_ADDR_LEN would have to be quite large, 128 byte or so.
* Back in last century that was TOTALLY unacceptable waste of space.
* The way which was chosen instead, was to make a "generic" address,
* and have per protocol "specific" addresses, and pass the length
* argument explicitly to the KPI functions.
* The generic address was called "struct sockaddr", and the specific
* were called "struct sockaddr_${whatever}". All of these must have
* a "family" field as first element, so the kernel can figure out
* which protocol it is.
* The generic struct sockaddr was made big enough for all protocols
* supported in the kernel, so it would have different sizes depending
* on your machine and kernel configuration.
* However, that allowed you to write protocol-agnostic programs, by
* using "struct sockaddr" throughout, and relying on libray APIs for
* things like name to address (and vice versa) resolution, and since
* nobody were in the business of shipping random UNIX binaries around
* the lack of binary portability didn't matter.
* Along the way the BSD people figured out that it was a bother
* to carry the length argument separately, and added that to the
* format of sockaddr, but other groups found this unclean, as
* the length was already an explicit paramter.
* The net result of this is that your "portable" code, must take
* care to handle the "sa_len" member on kernels which have it,
* while still tracking the separate length argument for all other
* kernels.
* Needless to say, there were no neat #define to tell you which
* was which, so each programmer found a different heuristic to
* decide, often not understanding it fully, which caused the kind
* of portability issues which lead to the autocrap tools.
* Then all the other protocols died, we were left with IP and
* life were good, the dot-com madness multiplied the IT-business
* by a factor 1000, by making any high-school student who had
* programmed PERL for 6 weeks a "senior web-programmer".
* Next IPv6 happened, in a rush even, (no seriously, I'm not kidding!),
* and since IPv6 addresses were HUGE, like 16 bytes HUGE, the generic
* struct sockaddr was not increased in size.
* At least "not yet", because it would break all the shitty code written
* by the dot-com generation.
* Nobody used IPv6 anyway so that didn't matter that much.
* Then people actually started using IPv6 and its struct sockaddr_in6,
* and realized that all the code which used "struct sockaddr" to allocate
* space at compile time were broken.
* Some people took to using sockaddr_in6, since that was known to
* be big enough for both IPv4 and IPv6, but "purist" found that
* ugly and "prone to future trouble".
* So instead they came up with a "clean solution": The added
* "struct sockaddr_storage" which is defined to be "Large enough
* to accommodate all supported protocol-specific address structures".
* Since we cannot possibly know what zany protocols will exist in
* the future, and since some people think that we will add future
* protocols, while retaining ABI compatibility, (totally overlooking
* the fact that no code for name-resolution supports that) it is
* usually defined so it can cope with 128 byte addresses.
* Does that ring a bell ?
* Only, not quite: Remember that all APIs require you to track
* the address and the length separately, so you only get the
* size of the specific protocols sockaddr_${whatever} from API
* functions, not a full sockaddr_storage, and besides the
* prototype for the KPI is still "struct sockaddr *", so you
* cannot gain C type-safety back by using sockaddr_storage
* as the "generic network address" type.
* So we have come full circle, while causing maximum havoc along
* the way and for the forseeable future.
* Do I need to tell you that static code analysis tools have a
* really hard time coping with this, and that they give a lot of
* false negatives which confuse people ?
* I have decided to try to contain this crap in this single
* source-file, with only minimum leakage into the rest of Varnish,
* which will only know of pointers to "struct suckaddr", the naming
* of which is my of the historical narrative above.
* And you don't need to take my word for this, you can see it all
* in various #include files on your own system. If you are on
* a Solaris derivative, don't miss the beautiful horror hidden in the
* variant definition of IPv6 addresses between kernel and userland.
struct suckaddr {
union {
struct sockaddr sa;
struct sockaddr_in sa4;
struct sockaddr_in6 sa6;
const int vsa_suckaddr_len = sizeof(struct suckaddr);
* This VRT interface is for the VCC generated ACL code, which needs
* to know the address family and a pointer to the actual address.
VRT_VSA_GetPtr(const struct suckaddr *sua, const unsigned char ** dst)
if (sua == NULL)
return (-1);
switch(sua->sa.sa_family) {
case PF_INET:
assert(sua->sa.sa_family == sua->sa4.sin_family);
*dst = (const unsigned char *)&sua->sa4.sin_addr;
return (sua->sa4.sin_family);
case PF_INET6:
assert(sua->sa.sa_family == sua->sa6.sin6_family);
*dst = (const unsigned char *)&sua->sa6.sin6_addr;
return (sua->sa6.sin6_family);
*dst = NULL;
return (-1);
VSA_Sane(const void *s)
......@@ -320,34 +320,6 @@ vcc_acl_entry(struct vcc *tl)
* Emit a function to match the ACL we have collected
* XXX: this is semi-silly. We try really hard to not depend in the
* XXX: systems include files while compiling VCL, but we need to know
* XXX: the size of the sa_familiy member.
* XXX: FlexeLint complains about these antics, so isolate it in a
* XXX: separate function.
/*lint -save -e506 -e774 -e550 */
static void
c_is_a_silly_language(const struct vcc *tl)
struct sockaddr sa;
assert(sizeof (unsigned char) == 1);
assert(sizeof (unsigned short) == 2);
assert(sizeof (unsigned int) == 4);
if (sizeof sa.sa_family == 1)
Fh(tl, 0, "\tunsigned char fam;\n");
else if (sizeof sa.sa_family == 2)
Fh(tl, 0, "\tunsigned short fam;\n");
else if (sizeof sa.sa_family == 4)
Fh(tl, 0, "\tunsigned int fam;\n");
assert(0 == __LINE__);
/*lint -restore */
static void
vcc_acl_emit(const struct vcc *tl, const char *acln, int anon)
......@@ -357,21 +329,14 @@ vcc_acl_emit(const struct vcc *tl, const char *acln, int anon)
const char *oc;
Fh(tl, 0, "\nstatic int\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "match_acl_%s_%s(const struct vrt_ctx *ctx, const void *p)\n",
Fh(tl, 0, "match_acl_%s_%s(const struct vrt_ctx *ctx, const VCL_IP p)\n",
anon ? "anon" : "named", acln);
Fh(tl, 0, "{\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "\tconst unsigned char *a;\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "\tint fam;\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "\ta = p;\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "\tVRT_memmove(&fam, a + %zd, sizeof fam);\n",
offsetof(struct sockaddr, sa_family));
Fh(tl, 0, "\tif (fam == %d)\n", PF_INET);
Fh(tl, 0, "\t\ta += %zd;\n", offsetof(struct sockaddr_in, sin_addr));
Fh(tl, 0, "\telse if (fam == %d)\n", PF_INET6);
Fh(tl, 0, "\t\ta += %zd;\n", offsetof(struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_addr));
Fh(tl, 0, "\telse {\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "\tfam = VRT_VSA_GetPtr(p, &a);\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "\tif (fam < 0) {\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "\t\tVRT_acl_log(ctx, \"NO_FAM %s\");\n", acln);
Fh(tl, 0, "\t\treturn(0);\n");
Fh(tl, 0, "\t}\n\n");
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