Commit 7e9883da authored by Guillaume Quintard's avatar Guillaume Quintard

Give an overview of the varnishtest commands.

Based on the sergesyrota's work
parent 19f37bf8
......@@ -171,6 +171,135 @@ VMODs::
varnishtest -p vmod_path="$VMOD_PATH" ...
Creates mock of a server that can accept requests from Varnish and send
responses. Accepted parameters:
specifies address and port to listen on (e.g. "")
Creates a client instance that sends requests to Varnish and receives responses.
Accepted parameters:
specify where to connect to (e.g. "-connect ${s1_sock}").
server/client command arguments
\-repeat INT
repeat the commands INT in order
waits for commands to complete
start the client, and continue without waiting for completion
equivalent to -start then -wait
Starts Varnish instance. Accepted arguments:
\-arg STRING
pass additional arguments to varnishd
execute a command in CLI of running instance
execute a command and expect it return OK status
execute a command and expect it to error with given status
(e.g. "-clierr 300 panic.clear")
specify VCL for the instance, and automatically inject a backend into the VCL
tests that invalid VCL results in an error.
specify VCL for the instance
stop the instance
wait for the varnish child to stop
wait for the varnish child to start
wait for varnish to stop
set up a test for asserting variables against expected results.
Syntax: "-expect <var> <comparison> <const>"
See tests supplied with Varnish distribution for usage examples for all these
Sleeps for specified number of seconds. Can accept floating point numbers.
Usage: ``delay FLOAT``
Accepts a string as an only argument. This being a test name that is being output
into the log. By default, test name is not shown, unless it fails.
Executes a shell command. Accepts one argument as a string, and runs the command
as is.
Usage: ``shell "CMD"``
Semaphores mostly used to synchronize clients and servers "around"
varnish, so that the server will not send something particular
until the client tells it to, but it can also be used synchronize
multiple clients or servers running in parallel.
Usage: ``sema NAME sync INT``
NAME is of the form 'rX', X being a positive integer. This command blocks until,
in total, INT semaphores named NAME block.
Initializes random generator (need to call std.random() in vcl). See m00002.vtc
for more info
Checks for features to be present in the test environment. If feature is not present, test is skipped.
Usage: ``feature STRING [STRING...]``
Possible checks:
runs the test only if SO_RCVTIMEO option works in the environment
runs the test only if environment is 64 bit
skips the test if ran on OSX
varnishtest has been started with '-i' and set the ${topbuild} macro.
This allows checking order and contents of VSL records in varnishtest.
......@@ -198,4 +327,4 @@ COPYRIGHT
This document is licensed under the same licence as Varnish
itself. See LICENCE for details.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Varnish Software AS
* Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Varnish Software AS
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