Commit 7f484581 authored by Federico G. Schwindt's avatar Federico G. Schwindt

And remove rst file as well

sphinx complains otherwise.
parent 54fdb1c9
HTTP traffic replay tool
varnishreplay [-D] -a address:port -r file
The varnishreplay utility parses Varnish logs and attempts to
reproduce the traffic. It is typically used to *warm* up caches or
various forms of testing.
The following options are available:
-a backend Send the traffic over tcp to this server, specified by an
address and a port. This option is
mandatory. Only IPV4 is supported at this time.
-D Turn on debugging mode.
-r file Parse logs from this file. The input file has to be from
a varnishlog of the same version as the varnishreplay
binary. This option is mandatory.
* varnishd(1)
* varnishlog(1)
The varnishreplay utility and this manual page were written by Cecilie
Fritzvold and later updated by Per Buer.
This document is licensed under the same licence as Varnish
itself. See LICENCE for details.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Varnish Software AS
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