Commit 83abe5fd authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

First wave of release notes for 2018-09 in 'Upgrading'.

parent 594c737d
......@@ -19,7 +19,21 @@ Upgrading to Varnish 6.1
varnishd parameters
We have added the :ref:`ref_param_max_vcl` parameter to set a
threshold for the number of loaded VCL programs, since it is a common
error to let previous VCL instances accumulate without discarding
them. The default threshold is 100, and VCL labels are not counted
against the total. The :ref:`ref_param_max_vcl_handling` parameter
controls what happens when you reach the limit. By default you just
get a warning from the VCL compiler, but you can set it to refuse to
load more VCLs, or to ignore the threshold.
Added the :ref:`ref_param_backend_local_error_holddown` and
:ref:`ref_param_backend_remote_error_holddown` parameters. These define
delays for new attempts to connect to backends when certain classes of
errors have been encountered, for which immediate re-connect attempts
are likely to be counter-productive. See the parameter documentation
for details.
Changes to VCL
......@@ -32,25 +46,77 @@ Changes to VCL
VCL variables
``req.ttl``, ``req.grace`` and keep
``req.ttl`` had been previously listed as deprecated, but it is now
fully supported, since there are use cases that cannot be solved
without it.
``req.ttl`` and ``req.grace`` set upper bounds on the TTL and grace
times that are permitted for the current request -- if these variables
are set and the TTL/grace of a cache object is longer than their
settings, then a new response is fetched from the backend, despite the
presence of the response in the cache.
A common application is to set shorter TTLs when the backend is known
to be healthy, so that responses are fresher when all is well. But if
the backend is unhealthy, then use cached responses with longer TTLs
to relieve load on the troubled backend::
sub vcl_recv {
# ...
if (std.healthy(req.backend_hint)) {
# Get responses no older than 70s for healthy backends
set req.ttl = 60s;
set req.grace = 10s;
# ...
The evaluation of the ``beresp.keep`` timer has changed a
bit. ``keep`` sets a lifetime in the cache in addition to TTL for
objects that can be validated by a 304 "Not Modified" response from
the backend to a conditional request (with ``If-None-Match`` or
``If-Modified-Since``). If an expired object is also out of grace
time, it is no longer possible to deliver a "keep" object from
``vcl_hit``. It is possible to validate a 304 candidate from
The documentation in :ref:`users-guide-handling_misbehaving_servers`
has been expanded to discuss these matters in greater depth, look
there for more details.
Other changes
You can now provide a string argument to ``return(fail("Foo!"))``,
which can be used in ``vcl_init`` to emit an error message if the VCL
load fails due to the return.
**VMOD changes**
If you have set ``.proxy_header=1`` (to use the PROXYv1 protocol) for
a backend addressed as a Unix domain socket (with a ``.path`` setting
for the socket file), and have also defined a probe for the backend,
then then the address family ``UNKNOWN`` is sent in the proxy header
for the probe request. If you have set ``.proxy_header=2`` (for
PROXYv2) for a UDS backend with a probe, then ``PROXY LOCAL`` is sent
for the probe request.
Added the :ref:`func_fnmatch` function to :ref:`vmod_std(3)`, which
you can use for shell-style wildcard matching (if you prefer that to
regular expressions).
:ref:`vmod_unix(3)` is now supported for SunOS and descendants. This
entails changing the privilege set of the child process while the VMOD
is loaded, see the documentation.
**anything else**
......@@ -62,26 +128,112 @@ Other changes
* ``varnishd(1)``:
* **XXX**
* Some VCL compile-time error messages have been improved, for
example when a symbol is not found or arguments to VMOD calls are
* **XXX**
* ``varnishlog(1)``:
* **XXX**
* When a backend is unhealthy, ``Backend_health`` now reports some
diagnostic information in addition to the HTTP response and timing
* The backend name logged for ``Backend_health`` is just the backend
name without the VCL prefix (as appears otherwise for backend
* **XXX**
* **other binaries in the distribution**
* ``varnishadm(1)`` and ``varnish-cli(7)``
* **XXX**
* For a number of CLI commands, you can now use the ``-j`` argument
to get a JSON response, which may help in automation. These include:
* ``ping -j``
* **XXX...**
A JSON response in the CLI always includes a timestamp (epoch time in
seconds with millisecond precision).
* ``varnishstat(1)`` and ``varnish-counters(7)``:
* We have added a number of counters to the ``VBE.*`` group to help
better diagnose error conditions with backends:
* ``VBE.*.unhealthy``: the number of fetches that were not
attempted because the backend was unhealthy
* ``.busy`` number of fetches that were not attempted because the
``.max_connections`` limit was reached
* ``.fail``: number of failed attempts to open a connection to the
backend. Detailed reasons for the failures are given in the
``.fail_*`` counters (shown at DIAG level), and in the log entry
``Debug``. ``.fail`` is the sum of the values in the ``.fail_*``
* ``.fail_eaccess``, ``.fail_eaddrnotavail``,
``.fail_econnrefused``, ``.fail_enetunreach`` and
``.fail_etimedout``: these are the number of attempted
connections to the backend that failed with the given value of
* ``.fail_other``: number of connections to the backend that
failed for reasons other than those given by the other
``.fail_*`` counters.
* ``.helddown``: the number of connections not attempted because
the backend was in the period set by one of the parameters
:ref:`ref_param_backend_local_error_holddown` or
* In curses mode, the information in the header lines (uptimes and
cache hit rates) is always reported, even if you have defined a
filter that leaves them out of the stats table.
* Ban statistics are now reported more accurately (they had been
subject to inconsistencies due to race conditions).
* ``varnishtest(1)`` and ``vtc(7)``:
* ``varnishtest`` and the ``vtc`` test script language now supports
testing for haproxy as well as Varnish. The ``haproxy`` directive
in a test can be used to define, configure, start and stop a
haproxy instance, and you can also script messages to send on the
haproxy CLI connection, and define expectations for the
responses. See the ``haproxy`` section in :ref:`vtc(7)` for
* Related to haproxy support, you can now define a ``syslog``
instance in test scripts. This defines a syslog server, and allows
you to test expectations for syslog output from a haproxy
* Added the ``-keepalive`` argument for client and server scripts to
be used with the ``-repeat`` directive, which causes all test
iterations to run on the same connection, rather than open a new
connection each time. This makes the test run faster and use fewer
ephemeral ports.
* **XXX**
* Changes for developers:
* **XXX**
* The Varnish API soname version (for has been
bumped to 2.0.0.
* **XXX**
* We have improved support for the ``STRANDS`` data type, which you
may find easier to use than the varargs-based ``STRING_LIST``. See
``vrt.h`` for details. :ref:`vmod_blob(3)` has been refactored to
use ``STRANDS``, so you can look there for an example.
* We have fixed a bug that had limited the precision available for
the ``INT`` data type, so you now get the full 64 bits.
* Python 3 is now preferred in builds, and will likely be required
in future versions.
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