No change is trivial enough to not require a test make :|

parent 4cb1faa2
......@@ -197,21 +197,21 @@ Then continue `Compiling Varnish`_, using the ``--with-unwind``
Build dependencies on a SmartOS Zone
As of SmartOS pkgsrc 2019Q4, install the following packages::
pkgin in autoconf automake editline libtool ncurses \
pcre2 python37 py37-sphinx py37-docutils gmake gcc8 pkg-config
*Note:* you will probably need to add ``/opt/local/gcc8/bin`` to
``PATH`` in order to have ``gcc`` available.
Optionally, to rebuild the svg files::
pkgin in graphviz
Optionally, to pull from a repository::
pkgin in git
Building on Solaris and other Solaris-ish OSes
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