Commit 84e98d8d authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

Improve documentation for std.collect

parent 99efebb3
......@@ -110,16 +110,17 @@ Example
$Function VOID collect(HEADER hdr, STRING sep=", ")
Collapses multiple *hdr* headers into one long header.
The header values are joined with a comma (",") unless a
different separator is specified.
Collapses multiple *hdr* headers into one long header. The
default separator *sep* is the standard comma separator to
use when collapsing headers, with an additional whitespace
for pretty printing.
Care should be taken when collapsing headers. In particular
collapsing Set-Cookie will lead to unexpected results on the
browser side.
std.collect(req.http.cookie, "; ");
| std.collect(req.http.accept);
| std.collect(req.http.cookie, "; ");
$Function DURATION duration(STRING s, DURATION fallback)
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