Commit 88f7f790 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune Committed by Simon Stridsberg

whats-new: Mention CVE-2023-43622

parent 9f6a7e3f
......@@ -27,6 +27,16 @@ longer open (stream reset, client disconnected etc).
.. _VSV 13:
Another denial of service attack vector received a CVE number in the aftermath
of the Rapid Reset debacle. `VSV 14`_ is called the HTTP/2 Broke Window attack
and can be summarized as the ability for clients to hold a server still by not
crediting the control flow window of HTTP/2 streams.
.. _VSV 14:
......@@ -66,6 +76,11 @@ The following parameters address the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset attach:
- ``h2_rapid_reset_limit`` (maximum number of rapid resets per period)
- ``h2_rapid_reset_period`` (the sliding period to track rapid resets)
The new ``h2_window_timeout`` parameter defines how long an HTTP/2 stream can
stall its delivery waiting for a control flow window update. A stream without
any credits is considered broke, and if all streams are broke when the new
timeout triggers the entire connection is considered bankrupt.
A new bit flag ``vcl_req_reset`` for the ``feature`` parameter interrupts
client request tasks during VCL transitions when an HTTP/2 stream is no longer
open. The result is equivalent to a ``return (fail);`` statement and can save
......@@ -247,9 +262,12 @@ A new ``MAIN.sc_rapid_reset`` counter counts the number of HTTP/2 connections
closed because the number of rapid resets exceed the limit over the configured
Its ``MAIN.req_reset`` counterpart counts the number of time a client task was
prematurely failed because the HTTP/2 stream it was processing was no longer
open and the feature flag ``vcl_req_reset`` was raised.
Likewise, ``MAIN.sc_bankrupt`` counts the number of HTTP/2 connections closed
because all streams ran out of credits and ``h2_window_timeout`` triggered.
Their ``MAIN.req_reset`` counterpart counts the number of time a client task
was prematurely failed because the HTTP/2 stream it was processing was no
longer open and the feature flag ``vcl_req_reset`` was raised.
A new counter ``MAIN.n_superseded`` adds visibility on how many objects are
inserted as the replacement of another object in the cache. This can give
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