Commit 8f48758f authored by Walid Boudebouda's avatar Walid Boudebouda Committed by Nils Goroll

man: Move beresp initialization to vcl-var(7)

The 304 handling and initial values for beresp.ttl, beresp.grace and
beresp.keep belong in a reference manual.
parent ab0214c8
......@@ -74,6 +74,79 @@ Assigning an HTTP standardized code to ``resp.status`` or ``beresp.status``
will also set ``resp.reason`` or ``beresp.reason`` to the corresponding
status message.
304 handling
For a 304 response, Varnish core code amends ``beresp`` before calling
* If the gzip status changed, ``Content-Encoding`` is unset and any
``Etag`` is weakened
* Any headers not present in the 304 response are copied from the
existing cache object. ``Content-Length`` is copied if present in
the existing cache object and discarded otherwise.
* The status gets set to 200.
`beresp.was_304` marks that this conditional response processing has
Note: Backend conditional requests are independent of client
conditional requests, so clients may receive 304 responses no matter
if a backend request was conditional.
beresp.ttl / beresp.grace / beresp.keep
Before calling `vcl_backend_response`, core code sets ``beresp.ttl``
based on the response status and the response headers ``Age``,
``Cache-Control`` or ``Expires`` and ``Date`` as follows:
* If present and valid, the value of the ``Age`` header is effectively
deduced from all ttl calculations.
* For status codes 200, 203, 204, 300, 301, 304, 404, 410 and 414:
* If ``Cache-Control`` contains an ``s-maxage`` or ``max-age`` field
(in that order of preference), the ttl is set to the respective
non-negative value or 0 if negative.
* Otherwise, if no ``Expires`` header exists, the default ttl is
* Otherwise, if ``Expires`` contains a time stamp before ``Date``,
the ttl is set to 0.
* Otherwise, if no ``Date`` header is present or the ``Date`` header
timestamp differs from the local clock by no more than the
`clock_skew` parameter, the ttl is set to
* 0 if ``Expires`` denotes a past timestamp or
* the difference between the local clock and the ``Expires``
header otherwise.
* Otherwise, the ttl is set to the difference between ``Expires``
and ``Date``
* For status codes 302 and 307, the calculation is identical except
that the default ttl is not used and -1 is returned if neither
``Cache-Control`` nor ``Expires`` exists.
* For all other status codes, ttl -1 is returned.
``beresp.grace`` defaults to the `default_grace` parameter.
For a non-negative ttl, if ``Cache-Control`` contains a
``stale-while-revalidate`` field value, ``beresp.grace`` is
set to that value if non-negative or 0 otherwise.
``beresp.keep`` defaults to the `default_keep` parameter.
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ subroutines are documented herein.
A default behavior is provided for all :ref:`reference-states` in the
:ref:`vcl-built-in-code` code.
client side
......@@ -382,76 +383,6 @@ The `vcl_backend_response` subroutine may terminate with calling
``beresp.reason`` being preset to the arguments of ``error()`` if
arguments are provided.
304 handling
For a 304 response, Varnish core code amends ``beresp`` before calling
* If the gzip status changed, ``Content-Encoding`` is unset and any
``Etag`` is weakened
* Any headers not present in the 304 response are copied from the
existing cache object. ``Content-Length`` is copied if present in
the existing cache object and discarded otherwise.
* The status gets set to 200.
`beresp.was_304` marks that this conditional response processing has
Note: Backend conditional requests are independent of client
conditional requests, so clients may receive 304 responses no matter
if a backend request was conditional.
beresp.ttl / beresp.grace / beresp.keep
Before calling `vcl_backend_response`, core code sets ``beresp.ttl``
based on the response status and the response headers ``Age``,
``Cache-Control`` or ``Expires`` and ``Date`` as follows:
* If present and valid, the value of the ``Age`` header is effectively
deduced from all ttl calculations.
* For status codes 200, 203, 204, 300, 301, 304, 404, 410 and 414:
* If ``Cache-Control`` contains an ``s-maxage`` or ``max-age`` field
(in that order of preference), the ttl is set to the respective
non-negative value or 0 if negative.
* Otherwise, if no ``Expires`` header exists, the default ttl is
* Otherwise, if ``Expires`` contains a time stamp before ``Date``,
the ttl is set to 0.
* Otherwise, if no ``Date`` header is present or the ``Date`` header
timestamp differs from the local clock by no more than the
`clock_skew` parameter, the ttl is set to
* 0 if ``Expires`` denotes a past timestamp or
* the difference between the local clock and the ``Expires``
header otherwise.
* Otherwise, the ttl is set to the difference between ``Expires``
and ``Date``
* For status codes 302 and 307, the calculation is identical except
that the default ttl is not used and -1 is returned if neither
``Cache-Control`` nor ``Expires`` exists.
* For all other status codes, ttl -1 is returned.
``beresp.grace`` defaults to the `default_grace` parameter.
For a non-negative ttl, if ``Cache-Control`` contains a
``stale-while-revalidate`` field value, ``beresp.grace`` is
set to that value if non-negative or 0 otherwise.
``beresp.keep`` defaults to the `default_keep` parameter.
.. _vcl_backend_error:
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