Commit 936c3393 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

Use code litterals for the grouping modes

parent 0930c1e6
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ be 0.
The grouping modes are:
* Session
* ``session``
All transactions initiated by a client connection are reported
together. Client connections are open ended when using HTTP
......@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ The grouping modes are:
incomplete session will be reported. Non-transactional data (vxid
== 0) is not reported.
* Request
* ``request``
Transactions are grouped by request, where the set will include the
request itself as well as any backend requests or ESI-subrequests.
Session data and non-transactional data (vxid == 0) is not
* ``vxid``
Transactions are not grouped, so each vxid is reported in it's
entirety. Sessions, requests, ESI-requests and backend requests are
all reported individually. Non-transactional data is not reported
(vxid == 0). This is the default.
* Raw
* ``raw``
Every log record will make up a transaction of it's own. All data,
including non-transactional data will be reported.
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