Commit 94a7f427 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

Don't test gunzip for partial responses

Some user agents like Safari may "probe" specific resources like medias
before getting the full resources usually asking for the first 2 or 11
bytes, probably to peek at magic numbers to figure early whether a
potentially large resource may not be supported (read: video).

If the user agent also advertises gzip support, and the transaction is
known beforehand to not be cacheable, varnishd will forward the Range
header to the backend:

    Accept-Encoding: gzip (when http_gzip_support is on)
    Range: bytes=0-1

If the response happens to be both encoded and partial, the gunzip test
cannot be performed. Otherwise we systematically end up with a broken
transaction closed prematuraly:

    FetchError b tGunzip failed
    Gzip b u F - 2 0 0 0 0

Refs #2530
Refs #2554
parent df906159
......@@ -546,6 +546,7 @@ static enum fetch_step
vbf_stp_fetch(struct worker *wrk, struct busyobj *bo)
const char *p;
unsigned is_partial;
......@@ -566,6 +567,8 @@ vbf_stp_fetch(struct worker *wrk, struct busyobj *bo)
is_partial = http_GetStatus(bo->beresp) == 206;
/* We do nothing unless the param is set */
if (!cache_param->http_gzip_support)
bo->do_gzip = bo->do_gunzip = 0;
......@@ -608,7 +611,7 @@ vbf_stp_fetch(struct worker *wrk, struct busyobj *bo)
vbf_vfp_push(bo, &vfp_esi, 1);
} else if (bo->do_gzip) {
vbf_vfp_push(bo, &vfp_gzip, 1);
} else if (bo->is_gzip && !bo->do_gunzip) {
} else if (bo->is_gzip && !bo->do_gunzip && !is_partial) {
vbf_vfp_push(bo, &vfp_testgunzip, 1);
varnishtest "Don't test gunzip for partial responses"
# The use of ETags is only here to ensure they aren't accidentally weakened.
server s1 {
# pass'ed range request
expect req.url == "/pass"
expect req.http.Accept-Encoding == gzip
expect req.http.Range == bytes=0-1
txresp -status 206 -nolen \
-hdr {ETag: "abc123"} \
-hdr "Accept-Ranges: bytes" \
-hdr "Content-Encoding: gzip" \
-hdr "Content-Length: 2" \
-hdr "Content-Range: bytes 0-1/*"
sendhex 1f8b
# unattended partial response
expect req.url == "/miss"
expect req.http.Accept-Encoding == gzip
expect req.http.Range == <undef>
txresp -status 206 -nolen \
-hdr {ETag: "123abc"} \
-hdr "Accept-Ranges: bytes" \
-hdr "Content-Encoding: gzip" \
-hdr "Content-Length: 2" \
-hdr "Content-Range: bytes 0-1/*"
sendhex 1f8b
} -start
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.url == "/pass") {
return (pass);
} -start
client c1 {
txreq -url "/pass" -hdr "Accept-Encoding: gzip" -hdr "Range: bytes=0-1"
expect resp.status == 206
expect resp.http.Etag == {"abc123"}
expect resp.http.Accept-Ranges == bytes
expect resp.http.Content-Range ~ "^bytes 0-1/"
expect resp.http.Content-Length == 2
expect resp.bodylen == 2
} -run
varnish v1 -expect n_gzip == 0
varnish v1 -expect n_gunzip == 0
varnish v1 -expect SMA.s0.c_req == 0
varnish v1 -expect SMA.Transient.c_req == 2
# Invalid partial response, also in Transient
client c1 {
txreq -url "/miss" -hdr "Accept-Encoding: gzip" -hdr "Range: bytes=0-1"
expect resp.status == 206
expect resp.http.Etag == {"123abc"}
expect resp.http.Accept-Ranges == bytes
expect resp.http.Content-Range ~ "^bytes 0-1/"
expect resp.http.Content-Length == 2
expect resp.bodylen == 2
} -run
varnish v1 -expect n_gzip == 0
varnish v1 -expect n_gunzip == 0
varnish v1 -expect SMA.s0.c_req == 0
varnish v1 -expect SMA.Transient.c_req == 4
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