Last minute changelog TLC

parent a8add6e4
......@@ -41,6 +41,132 @@ Varnish Cache NEXT (2024-03-15)
.. PLEASE keep this roughly in commit order as shown by git-log / tig
(new to old)
* The parameters ``idle_send_timeout`` and ``timeout_idle`` are now
limited to a maximum of 1 hour.
* The VCL variables ``bereq.connect_timeout``,
``bereq.first_byte_timeout``, ``bereq.between_bytes_timeout``,
``bereq.task_deadline``, ``sess.timeout_idle``,
``sess.timeout_linger``, ``sess.idle_send_timeout`` and
``sess.send_timeout`` can now be ``unset`` to use their default
values from parameters.
* Timeout and deadline parameters and VCL variables can now be set to
the special value ``never`` to not apply an infinitely long
timeout. Parameters which used to be of type ``timeout`` but do not
accept ``never`` have been moved to the new type ``duration``.
* The implementation of the feature flag ``esi_include_onerror`` added
in 7.3.0 has been reverted to more closely match the behavior of
Varnish-Cache before 7.3.0: By default, fragments are included
again, even errors. When ``esi_include_onerror`` is enabled and
errors are encountered while processing ESI fragment, processing
only continues if the ``onerror`` attribute of the ``<esi:include>``
tag is present.
Any response status other than ``200`` or ``204`` counts as an error
as well as any fetch error.
Streaming responses may continue to be partially delivered.
Error behavior has been fixed to be consistent also for zero length
* The new VSC ``n_superseded`` gets incremented every time an object
is superseded by a new one, for example when the grace and/or keep
timers kept it in cache for longer than the TTL and a fresh copy is
Cache evictions of superseded objects are logged as ``ExpKill``
messages starting with ``VBF_Superseded``.
.. _Varnish-Modules #222:
* The implementation of ``PRIV_TASK`` and ``PRIV_TOP`` VMOD
function/method arguments has been fixed to also work with
``std.rollback()`` (`Varnish-Modules #222`_)
* Transports are now responsible for calling ``VDP_Close()`` in all
* The format of ``BackendClose`` VSL records has been changed to use
the short reason name for consistence with ``SessClose``.
* During ``varnishd`` shutdown, pooled backend connections are now
closed bi-directionally.
* Mode bits of files opened via the unix jail as ``JAIL_FIXFD_FILE``
are now correctly set as ``0600``.
* The ``busy_stats_rate`` feature now also works for HTTP/2.
* The ``BUILD_VMOD_$NAME`` m4 macro for VMOD Makefiles has been fixed
to properly support custom ``CFLAGS``.
* Storage engines are now responsible for deciding which
``fetch_chunksize`` to use. When Varnish-Cache does not know the
expected object size, it calls the ``objgetspace`` with a zero
``sz`` argument.
* The ``Timestamp`` SLT with ``Process`` prefix is not emitted any
more when processing continues as for restarts.
* The ``FetchError`` SLT with ``HTC`` prefix now contains a verbose
* Varnish Test Cases (VTCs) now support an ``include`` statement.
* ``varnishncsa`` now supports the ``%{Varnish:default_format}x``
format to use the default format with additions.
* A deadlock in ``VRT_AddDirector()`` is now avoided with dynamic
backends when the VCL goes cold.
* A new variable ``bereq.task_deadline``, available in ``sub vcl_pipe
{}`` only for now, allows to limit the total duration of pipe
transactions. Its default comes from the ``pipe_task_deadline``
parameter, which itself defaults to ``never``.
* The VSC counters ``n_expired``, ``n_purges`` and ``n_obj_purged``
have been fixed for purged objects.
* The ``ExpKill`` SLT prefix ``EXP_expire`` has been renamed to
* New VSL records of the ``ExpKill`` SLT with ``EXP_Removed`` are now
created to uniformly log all "object removed from cache" events.
* VSL records of the ``ExpKill`` SLT with ``EXP_Expired`` prefix now
contain the number of hits on the removed object.
* A bug has been fixed in ``varnishstat`` where the description of the
last VSC was not shown.
* VCL COLD events have been fixed for directors vs. VMODs: VDI COLD
now comes before VMOD COLD.
* The ``file`` storage engine now fails properly if the file size is
too small.
* The ``.happy`` stevedore type method now returns ``true`` if not
implemented instead of panicking ``varnishd`` (`4036`_)
* Use of ``objiterate_f`` on request bodies has been fixed to
correctly post ``OBJ_ITER_END``.
* Use of ``STV_NewObject()`` has been fixed to correctly request zero
bytes for attributes where only a body is to be stored.
* ``(struct req).filter_list`` has been renamed to ``vdp_filter_list``.
* 304 object copying has been optimized to make optimal use of storage
engines' allocations.
* Use of the ``trimstore`` storage engine function has been fixed for
304 responses.
* A missing ``:scheme`` for HTTP/2 requests is now properly handled.
* The ``fold`` flag has been added to Access Control Lists (ACLs)
in VCL. When it is activated with ``acl ... +fold {}``, ACL entries
get optimized in that subnets contained in other entries are skipped
......@@ -144,6 +270,7 @@ Varnish Cache NEXT (2024-03-15)
.. _CVE-2023-44487:
.. _4036:
.. _3984:
.. _3995:
.. _3996:
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