Commit 95e9cfe6 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons Committed by Dridi Boukelmoune

Add JSON support for the "storage.list" CLI command.

parent 2776c9c7
......@@ -82,10 +82,36 @@ stv_cli_list(struct cli *cli, const char * const *av, void *priv)
VCLI_Out(cli, "\tstorage.%s = %s\n", stv->ident, stv->name);
static void v_matchproto_(cli_func_t)
stv_cli_list_json(struct cli *cli, const char * const *av, void *priv)
struct stevedore *stv;
int n = 0;
VCLI_JSON_begin(cli, 2, av);
VCLI_Out(cli, ",\n");
STV_Foreach(stv) {
VCLI_Out(cli, "%s", n ? ",\n" : "");
VCLI_Out(cli, "{\n");
VSB_indent(cli->sb, 2);
VCLI_Out(cli, "\"name\": ");
VCLI_JSON_str(cli, stv->ident);
VCLI_Out(cli, ",\n");
VCLI_Out(cli, "\"storage\": ");
VCLI_JSON_str(cli, stv->name);
VSB_indent(cli->sb, -2);
VCLI_Out(cli, "\n}");
static struct cli_proto cli_stv[] = {
{ CLICMD_STORAGE_LIST, "", stv_cli_list },
{ CLICMD_STORAGE_LIST, "", stv_cli_list, stv_cli_list_json },
varnishtest "CLI coverage test"
varnish v1 -cliok storage.list
varnish v1 -clijson "storage.list -j"
server s1 {
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