Commit 9eb54098 authored by Federico G. Schwindt's avatar Federico G. Schwindt

Various improvements from my personal git stash

More to come soonish.
parent c6d80ca7
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Syntax
Commands are usually terminated with a newline. Long command can be
entered using shell style *here document* (here-document or heredoc).
entered using shell-style *here document* (here-document or heredoc).
The format of here document is::
<< word
......@@ -85,9 +85,8 @@ Backend Pattern
A backend pattern can be a backend name or a combination of a VCL name
and backend name in "VCL.backend" format. If the VCL name is omitted,
the active VCL is assumed. Partial matching on the backend name, VCL
name or both is possible using shell-style wilcards, i.e. asterisk (*),
question mark (?) and brackets ([]).
the active VCL is assumed. Partial matching on the backend and VCL
names is supported using shell-style wilcards, e.g. asterisk (*).
......@@ -122,20 +121,22 @@ fields.
VCL Temperature
A VCL program goes through several states related to the different commands: it
can be loaded, used, and later discarded. You can load several VCL programs and
switch at any time from one to another. There is only one active VCL, but the
previous active VCL will be maintained active until all its transactions are
Over time, if you often refresh your VCL and keep the previous versions around,
resource consumption will increase, you can't escape that. However, most of the
time you want only one to pay the price only for the active VCL and keep older
VCLs in case you'd need to rollback to a previous version.
The VCL temperature allows you to minimize the footprint of inactive VCLs. Once
a VCL becomes cold, Varnish will release all the resources that can be be later
reacquired. You can manually set the temperature of a VCL or let varnish
A VCL program goes through several states related to the different
commands: it can be loaded, used, and later discarded. You can load
several VCL programs and switch at any time from one to another. There
is only one active VCL, but the previous active VCL will be maintained
active until all its transactions are over.
Over time, if you often refresh your VCL and keep the previous
versions around, resource consumption will increase, you can't escape
that. However, most of the time you want only one to pay the price only
for the active VCL and keep older VCLs in case you'd need to rollback
to a previous version.
The VCL temperature allows you to minimize the footprint of inactive
VCLs. Once a VCL becomes cold, Varnish will release all the resources
that can be be later reacquired. You can manually set the temperature
of a VCL or let varnish
automatically handle it.
......@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ secret file, and the challenge string.
Load a multi-line VCL using shell style *here document*::
Load a multi-line VCL using shell-style *here document*::
vcl.inline example << EOF
vcl 4.0;
......@@ -260,9 +261,9 @@ backend contains "USERID=1663"::
This manual page was originally written by Per Buer and later modified by
Federico G. Schwindt, Dridi Boukelmoune, Lasse Karstensen and Poul-Henning
This manual page was originally written by Per Buer and later modified
by Federico G. Schwindt, Dridi Boukelmoune, Lasse Karstensen and
Poul-Henning Kamp.
......@@ -109,21 +109,22 @@ An example::
expect resp.bodylen == 21
} -run
When run, the above script will simulate a server (s1) that expects two
different requests. It will start a Varnish server (v1) and add the backend
definition to the VCL specified (-vcl+backend). Finally it starts the
c1-client, which is a single client sending two requests.
When run, the above script will simulate a server (s1) that expects
two different requests. It will start a Varnish server (v1) and add the
backend definition to the VCL specified (-vcl+backend). Finally it starts
the c1-client, which is a single client sending two requests.
Whether you are building a VMOD or trying to use one that you freshly built,
you can tell ``varnishtest`` to pass a *vmod_path* to ``varnishd`` instances
started using the ``varnish -start`` command in your test case::
Whether you are building a VMOD or trying to use one that you freshly
built, you can tell ``varnishtest`` to pass a *vmod_path* to ``varnishd``
instances started using the ``varnish -start`` command in your test case::
varnishtest -p vmod_path=... /path/to/*.vtc
This way you can use the same test cases on both installed and built VMODs::
This way you can use the same test cases on both installed and built
server s1 {...} -start
......@@ -135,30 +136,31 @@ This way you can use the same test cases on both installed and built VMODs::
You are not limited to the *vmod_path* and can pass any parameter, allowing
you to run a build matrix without changing the test suite. You can achieve the
same with macros, but then they need to be defined on each run.
You are not limited to the *vmod_path* and can pass any parameter,
allowing you to run a build matrix without changing the test suite. You
can achieve the same with macros, but then they need to be defined on
each run.
You can see the actual ``varnishd`` command lines in test outputs, they look
roughly like this::
You can see the actual ``varnishd`` command lines in test outputs,
they look roughly like this::
exec varnishd [varnishtest -p params] [testing params] [vtc -arg params]
Parameters you define with ``varnishtest -p`` may be overriden by parameters
needed by ``varnishtest`` to run properly, and they may in turn be overriden
by parameters set in test scripts.
Parameters you define with ``varnishtest -p`` may be overriden by
parameters needed by ``varnishtest`` to run properly, and they may in
turn be overriden by parameters set in test scripts.
There's also a special mode in which ``varnishtest`` builds itself a PATH and
a *vmod_path* in order to find Varnish binaries (programs and VMODs) in the
build tree surrounding the ``varnishtest`` binary. This is meant for testing
of Varnish under development and will disregard your *vmod_path* if you set
There's also a special mode in which ``varnishtest`` builds itself a
PATH and a *vmod_path* in order to find Varnish binaries (programs and
VMODs) in the build tree surrounding the ``varnishtest`` binary. This
is meant for testing of Varnish under development and will disregard
your *vmod_path* if you set one.
If you need to test your VMOD against a Varnish build tree, you must install
it first, in a temp directory for instance. With information provided by the
installation's *pkg-config(1)* you can build a proper PATH in order to access
Varnish programs, and a *vmod_path* to access both your VMOD and the built-in
If you need to test your VMOD against a Varnish build tree, you must
install it first, in a temp directory for instance. With information
provided by the installation's *pkg-config(1)* you can build a proper
PATH in order to access Varnish programs, and a *vmod_path* to access
both your VMOD and the built-in VMODs::
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/install/lib/pkgconfig
......@@ -187,8 +189,9 @@ responses. Accepted parameters:
Creates a client instance that sends requests to Varnish and receives responses.
By default, a client will try and connect to the first varnish server available.
Creates a client instance that sends requests to Varnish and receives
responses. By default, a client will try and connect to the first
varnish server available.
Accepted parameters:
......@@ -223,11 +226,11 @@ Starts Varnish instance. Accepted arguments:
executes a command and expect it to error with given status
(e.g. "-clierr 300 panic.clear")
\-vcl STRING
specify VCL for the instance. You can create multiline strings by encasing them
in curly braces.
specify VCL for the instance. You can create multiline strings by
encasing them in curly braces.
\-vcl+backend STRING
specifes VCL for the instance, and automatically inject backends definition
of currently defined servers.
specifes VCL for the instance, and automatically inject backends
definition of currently defined servers.
tests that invalid VCL results in an error.
......@@ -242,67 +245,79 @@ Starts Varnish instance. Accepted arguments:
sets up a test for asserting variables against expected results.
Syntax: "-expect <var> <comparison> <const>"
See tests supplied with Varnish distribution for usage examples for all these
See tests supplied with Varnish distribution for usage examples for all
these directives.
Sleeps for specified number of seconds. Can accept floating point numbers.
Sleeps for specified number of seconds.
Usage: ``delay FLOAT``
Accepts a string as an only argument. This being a test name that is being output
into the log. By default, test name is not shown, unless it fails.
Accepts a string as an only argument. This being a test name that is being
output into the log. By default, test name is not shown, unless it fails.
Executes a shell command. Accepts one argument as a string, and runs the command
as is.
Executes a shell command. Accepts one argument as a string, and runs
the command as is.
Usage: ``shell "CMD"``
Semaphores mostly used to synchronize clients and servers "around"
varnish, so that the server will not send something particular
until the client tells it to, but it can also be used synchronize
multiple clients or servers running in parallel.
Usage: ``err_shell "STRING" "CMD"``
Usage: ``sema NAME sync INT``
NAME is of the form 'rX', X being a positive integer. This command blocks until,
in total, INT semaphores named NAME block.
Usage: ``barrier NAME [arguments]``
Initializes random generator (need to call std.random() in vcl). See m00002.vtc
for more info
Initializes random generator (need to call std.random() in vcl). See
m00002.vtc for more info.
Checks for features to be present in the test environment. If feature is not present, test is skipped.
Checks for features to be present in the test environment. If feature
is not present, test is skipped.
Usage: ``feature STRING [STRING...]``
Possible checks:
runs the test only if SO_RCVTIMEO option works in the environment
The SO_RCVTIMEO socket option is working
runs the test only if environment is 64 bit
The environment is 64 bits
skips the test if ran on OSX
The environment is not OSX
DNS lookups are working
varnishtest has been started with '-i' and set the ${topbuild} macro.
varnishtest has been started with '-i'
varnishtest has been invoked by the root user
The varnish user is present
The vcache user is present
The varnish group is present
This allows checking order and contents of VSL records in varnishtest.
This allows checking order and contents of VSL records in varnishtest.
......@@ -319,10 +334,9 @@ HISTORY
The varnishtest program was developed by Poul-Henning Kamp
<> in cooperation with Varnish Software AS.
This manual page was originally written by Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
<> and updated by Kristian Lyngstøl
<> in cooperation with Varnish Software AS. This manual
page was originally written by Stig Sandbeck Mathisen <>
and updated by Kristian Lyngstøl <>.
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