Commit a5919990 authored by Tollef Fog Heen's avatar Tollef Fog Heen

Update changes for 3.0.2 rc 1

parent 5d3dc293
Changes from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 rc 1
- Only log the first 20 bytes of extra headers to prevent overflows.
- Fix crasher bug which sometimes happened if responses are queued and
the backend sends us Vary. `Bug #994`_.
- Log correct size of compressed when uncompressing them for clients
that do not support compression. `Bug #996`_.
- Only send Range responses if we are going to send a body. `Bug #1007`_.
- When varnishd creates a storage file, also unlink it to avoid
leaking disk space over time. `Bug #1008`_.
- The default size of the `-s file` parameter has been changed to
100MB instead of 50% of the available disk space.
- The limit on the number of objects we remove from the cache to make
room for a new one was mistakenly lowered to 10 in 3.0.1. This has
been raised back to 50. `Bug #1012`_.
- `http_req_size` and `http_resp_size` have been increased to 8192
bytes. This better matches what other HTTPds have. `Bug #1016`_.
.. _bug #994:
.. _bug #992:
.. _bug #1007:
.. _bug #1008:
.. _bug #1012:
.. _bug #1012:
- Allow relational comparisons of floating point types.
- Make it possible for vmods to fail loading and so cause the VCL
loading to fail.
- Fixed crash when client was sending illegal HTTP headers.
- `%{Varnish:handling}` in format strings was broken, this has been
- Documentation updates
- Some Solaris portability updates.
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Changes from 3.0.1 rc 1 to 3.0.1 Changes from 3.0.1 rc 1 to 3.0.1
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