Don't assume input buffer is valid after the call

Patch by @phk, test by yours truly.
parent e4941d2e
......@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ ved_pretend_gzip_bytes(struct req *req, enum vdp_action act, void **priv,
l -= lx;
p += lx;
/* buf2 is local, have to flush */
/* buf1 & buf2 is local, have to flush */
return (ved_bytes(req, ecx, VDP_FLUSH, NULL, 0));
......@@ -609,8 +609,6 @@ ved_gzgz_bytes(struct req *req, enum vdp_action act, void **priv,
ssize_t l;
pp = ptr;
if (len > 0) {
/* Skip over the GZIP header */
......@@ -630,7 +628,7 @@ ved_gzgz_bytes(struct req *req, enum vdp_action act, void **priv,
if (dl > 0) {
if (dl > len)
dl = len;
if (ved_bytes(req, foo->ecx, VDP_NULL, pp, dl))
if (ved_bytes(req, foo->ecx, act, pp, dl))
foo->ll += dl;
len -= dl;
......@@ -641,7 +639,7 @@ ved_gzgz_bytes(struct req *req, enum vdp_action act, void **priv,
/* Remove the "LAST" bit */
foo->dbits[0] = *pp;
foo->dbits[0] &= ~(1U << (foo->last & 7));
if (ved_bytes(req, foo->ecx, VDP_NULL, foo->dbits, 1))
if (ved_bytes(req, foo->ecx, act, foo->dbits, 1))
return (-1);
......@@ -653,7 +651,7 @@ ved_gzgz_bytes(struct req *req, enum vdp_action act, void **priv,
if (dl > 0) {
if (dl > len)
dl = len;
if (ved_bytes(req, foo->ecx, VDP_NULL, pp, dl))
if (ved_bytes(req, foo->ecx, act, pp, dl))
return (-1);
foo->ll += dl;
len -= dl;
......@@ -715,8 +713,7 @@ ved_gzgz_bytes(struct req *req, enum vdp_action act, void **priv,
WRONG("compiler must be broken");
if (ved_bytes(req, foo->ecx,
VDP_NULL, foo->dbits + 1, foo->lpad))
if (ved_bytes(req, foo->ecx, act, foo->dbits + 1, foo->lpad))
return (-1);
if (len > 0) {
varnishtest "Exercise ESI+gzip in pass mode"
server s1 {
txresp -gzipbody {<esi:include src="/foo"/>}
txresp -gzipbody "foo"
} -start
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
sub vcl_recv {
return (pass);
sub vcl_backend_response {
set beresp.do_esi = true;
} -start
client c1 {
txreq -hdr "Accept-Encoding: gzip"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.bodylen == 3
} -run
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