Commit a90a099d authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

mv coccinelle/ tools/

I also decided to lowercase semantic patch file names, and to not
mislead people about the WS_Reserve change being a vmod-only thing.
parent b3efff3e
......@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ C APIs (for vmod and utility authors)
It will only leave the workspace reserved if the reservation
request could be fulfilled.
We provide a script to automate this change in the ``coccinelle``
subdirectory of the source tree.
We provide a script to help automate this change in the
``tools/coccinelle`` subdirectory of the source tree.
Varnish Cache 6.2.0 (2019-03-15)
This directory contains `coccinelle`_ patches to facilitate code
This directory contains `coccinelle`_ semantic patches to facilitate code
Each patch should, in a comment section, explain its purpose.
Each patch should, in a comment section, explain its purpose. They may be fit
for both the in-tree code style or out-of-tree VMOD and VUT development.
Unless noted otherwise, all patches should work when invoked as::
* patch to change code with respect to #2969: Replacement of
* Patch to change code with respect to #2969: Replacement of
* WS_Reserve(ws, sz) by WS_ReserveAll(ws) / WS_ReserveSize(ws, sz)
* NOTE this patch does not check/fix error handling:
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