Commit afd267dc authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll Committed by Dridi Boukelmoune

document umem specifics

parent 9fd0d6b2
......@@ -320,6 +320,9 @@ The following storage types are available:
umem is a storage backend which is more efficient than malloc on
platforms where it is available.
See the section on umem in chapter `Storage backends` of `The
Varnish Users Guide` for details.
-s <file,path[,size[,granularity[,advice]]]>
The file backend stores data in a file on disk. The file will be
......@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ malloc's performance is bound to memory speed so it is very fast. If
the dataset is bigger than available memory performance will
depend on the operating systems ability to page effectively.
.. _guide-storage_umem:
......@@ -69,6 +71,37 @@ implementations. In particular, `libumem`_ is included in the family
of OpenSolaris descendent operating systems where jemalloc(3) is not
commonly available.
If `libumem`_ is not used otherwise, varnish will only use it for
storage allocations and keep the default libc allocator for all other
varnish memory allocation purposes.
If `libumem`_ is already loaded when varnish initializes, this message
is output::
notice: libumem was already found to be loaded
and will likely be used for all allocations
to indicate that `libumem`_ will not only be used for storage. Likely
reasons for this to be the case are:
* some library ``varnishd`` is linked against was linked against
`libumem`_ (most likely ``libpcre``, check with ``ldd``)
* ``LD_PRELOAD_64=/usr/lib/amd64/``,
``LD_PRELOAD_32=/usr/lib/`` or
``LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/`` is set
varnish will also output this message to recommend settings for using
`libumem`_ for all allocations::
it is recommended to set UMEM_OPTIONS=perthread_cache=0,backend=mmap
before starting varnish
This recommendation should be followed to achieve an optimal
`libumem`_ configuration for varnish. Setting this environment
variable before starting varnish is required becuase `libumem`_ cannot
be reconfigured once loaded.
.. _libumem:
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