Commit b3c24c02 authored by Lasse Karstensen's avatar Lasse Karstensen

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parent 1f32fae8
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ instance without a given name.
If a command is given, the command and arguments are sent over the CLI
connection and the result returned on stdout.
If no command argument is given varnishadm will pass commands and
If no command argument is given `varnishadm` will pass commands and
replies between the CLI socket and stdin/stdout.
......@@ -79,17 +79,9 @@ SEE ALSO
* :ref:`varnishd(1)`
* :ref:`varnish-cli(7)`
The varnishadm utility and this manual page were written by Cecilie
Fritzvold. Converted to reStructuredText and updated in 2010 by Per
This document is licensed under the same licence as Varnish
itself. See LICENCE for details.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Varnish Software AS
The `varnishadm` utility and this manual page were written by Cecilie
Fritzvold. This man page has later been modified by Per Buer, Federico G.
Schwindt and Lasse Karstensen.
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