Commit b5737297 authored by Guillaume Quintard's avatar Guillaume Quintard Committed by guillaume quintard

Make a00009.vtc pass on alpine

alpine's getopt returns "progname: unrecognized option: A"
parent 9f50c4bd
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ shell -err -expect {Too many arguments for -x} "varnishd -x foo bar"
shell -err -expect {Invalid -x argument} "varnishd -x foo "
# This one is tricky, the getopt message on stderr is not standardized.
shell -err -expect {option --} "varnishd -A "
shell -err -expect {option} "varnishd -A "
shell -err -expect {Usage: varnishd [options]} "varnishd -? "
shell -err -expect {Too many arguments} "varnishd foo "
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