polish flexelint options and fix typo

parent 2698789d
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
* sess fields, for instance ->fd being negative ->reason.
//lint -e{766}
//lint --e{766}
#include "config.h"
......@@ -174,4 +174,4 @@
-esym(765, HTTP_IterHdrPack) // Could be made static
-esym(765, ObjGetU32) // Could be made static
-esym(765, Lck_DestroyClass) // Could be made static
-esum(769, obj_attr::OA__MAX) // Not referenced
-esym(769, obj_attr::OA__MAX) // Not referenced
......@@ -283,9 +283,8 @@ vju_make_workdir(const char *dname, const char *what, struct vsb *vsb)
dname, vstrerror(errno));
return (1);
/*lint -save -e570 */
//lint -e{570}
AZ(chown(dname, -1, vju_gid));
/*lint -restore */
return (0);
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