Avoid hang when child does not come up, add startup_timeout

When a child did not come up within cli_timeout, varnishd startup
would hang indefinitely.

We add startup_timeout specifically for child startup.

To facilitate the transition, we use the maximum of cli_timeout and
start_timeout (suggested by Dridi, thank you) and add a tip if
startup_timeout is not used.

We avoid the previous harsh exit(1), primarily to make the vtc_varnish
facility work.

The test case uses both vtc_varnish and vtc_process to exercise the
different code paths for implicit startup vs. cli "start".

Fixes #3940
parent 1c4506bd
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ static struct vlu *child_std_vlu;
static struct vsb *child_panic = NULL;
static void mgt_reap_child(void);
static int kill_child(void);
* Panic string evacuation and handling
......@@ -302,12 +303,14 @@ child_poker(const struct vev *e, int what)
static void
mgt_launch_child(struct cli *cli)
pid_t pid, pidr;
pid_t pid;
unsigned u;
char *p;
struct vev *e;
int i, cp[2];
struct rlimit rl[1];
vtim_dur dstart;
vtim_mono t0;
if (child_state != CH_STOPPED && child_state != CH_DIED)
......@@ -436,15 +439,23 @@ mgt_launch_child(struct cli *cli)
/* Wait for cache/cache_cli.c::CLI_Run() to check in */
if (VCLI_ReadResult(child_cli_in, &u, NULL, mgt_param.cli_timeout)) {
dstart = vmax(mgt_param.startup_timeout, mgt_param.cli_timeout);
t0 = VTIM_mono();
if (VCLI_ReadResult(child_cli_in, &u, NULL, dstart)) {
int bstart = mgt_param.startup_timeout >= mgt_param.cli_timeout;
assert(u == CLIS_COMMS);
pidr = waitpid(pid, &i, 0);
assert(pidr == pid);
do {
i = VLU_Fd(child_std_vlu, child_output);
} while (i == 0);
MGT_Complain(C_ERR, "Child failed on launch");
exit(1); // XXX Harsh ?
if (VTIM_mono() - t0 < dstart)
mgt_launch_err(cli, u, "Child failed on launch ");
mgt_launch_err(cli, u, "Child failed on launch "
"within %s_timeout=%.2fs%s",
bstart ? "startup" : "cli", dstart,
bstart ? "" : " (tip: set startup_timeout)");
child_pid = pid;
child_state = CH_STOPPED;
} else {
assert(u == CLIS_OK);
fprintf(stderr, "Child launched OK\n");
......@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ process p1 -dump {
process p1 -expect-text 0 0 {to launch}
process p1 -write "start\n"
process p1 -expect-text 0 0 {-spersistent has been deprecated}
process p1 -wait
process p1 -write "quit\n"
process p1 -expect-exit 0x20 -wait
server s1 {
varnishtest "test startup_timeout vs. stevedore init / open"
# we test with vtc_varnish and vtc_process because of different code
# paths in mgr for implicit start vs. cli start
# startup_timeout used, delay in stevedore init
varnish v1 -arg "-sdebug=debug,dinit=5s -pstartup_timeout=3s -pcli_timeout=2s" \
-arg "-p feature=+no_coredump" \
-vcl "backend none none;"
varnish v1 -cliexpect \
"Child failed on launch within startup_timeout=3.00s" \
varnish v1 -expectexit 0x40
process p1 { varnishd \
-sdebug=debug,dinit=5s \
-pstartup_timeout=3s -pcli_timeout=2s \
-n ${tmpdir}/p1 -a :0 -b none 2>&1 } -start
process p1 -expect-exit 0x2 -wait
process p1 -expect-text 0 0 \
"Child failed on launch within startup_timeout=3.00s"
# cli_timeout used, delay in stevedore open
varnish v2 -arg "-sdebug=debug,dopen=5s -pstartup_timeout=2s -pcli_timeout=3s" \
-arg "-p feature=+no_coredump" \
-vcl "backend none none;"
varnish v2 -cliexpect \
"launch within cli_timeout=3.00s .tip: set startup_" \
varnish v2 -cliok "panic.clear"
varnish v2 -expectexit 0x40
process p2 { varnishd \
-sdebug=debug,dopen=5s \
-pstartup_timeout=2s -pcli_timeout=3s \
-n ${tmpdir}/p2 -a :0 -b none} -start
process p2 -expect-exit 0x2 -wait
# expect-text does not work here because the panic info pushes the
# error out of the emulated terminal's view.
# And I do not want to rely on any x lines to be enough
shell {grep -q "launch within cli_timeout=3.00s (tip: set startup_" ${p2_err}}
......@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ varnish v1 -cliok "ban obj.http.date ~ ."
process p1 {
varnishd -sTransient=file,${tmpdir}/foo,xxx -blocalhost -a:0 -n ${tmpdir} 2>&1
} -expect-exit 255 -dump -start -expect-text 0 0 "Invalid number" -wait -screen_dump
} -expect-exit 0x2 -dump -start -expect-text 0 0 "Invalid number" -wait -screen_dump
process p1 {
varnishd -sTransient=file,${tmpdir}/foo,10M,xxx -blocalhost -a:0 -n ${tmpdir} 2>&1
} -expect-exit 255 -dump -start -expect-text 0 0 "granularity" -wait -screen_dump
} -expect-exit 0x2 -dump -start -expect-text 0 0 "granularity" -wait -screen_dump
process p1 {
varnishd -sTransient=file,${tmpdir}/foo,10m,,foo -blocalhost -a:0 -n ${tmpdir} 2>&1
} -expect-exit 255 -dump -start -expect-text 0 0 "invalid advice" -wait
} -expect-exit 0x2 -dump -start -expect-text 0 0 "invalid advice" -wait
......@@ -335,6 +335,18 @@ PARAM_SIMPLE(
"Timeout for the child's replies to CLI requests."
/* name */ startup_timeout,
/* type */ timeout,
/* min */ "0.000",
/* max */ NULL,
/* def */ "0.000",
/* units */ "seconds",
/* descr */
"Alternative timeout for the initial worker process startup.\n"
"If cli_timeout is longer than startup_timeout, it is used instead."
/* name */ clock_skew,
/* type */ uint,
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