Commit c197f402 authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp

Move dirty laundy out of view from VMODs

parent cfaf64b9
......@@ -774,9 +774,6 @@ extern const char H__Status[];
extern const char H__Proto[];
extern const char H__Reason[];
/* cache_http2_deliver.c */
void V2D_Init(void);
/* cache_main.c */
#define VXID(u) ((u) & VSL_IDENTMASK)
uint32_t VXID_Get(struct worker *, uint32_t marker);
......@@ -878,18 +875,6 @@ void ObjSendEvent(struct worker *, struct objcore *oc, unsigned event);
const char *body_status_2str(enum body_status e);
const char *sess_close_2str(enum sess_close sc, int want_desc);
/* cache_pool.c */
int Pool_Task(struct pool *pp, struct pool_task *task, enum task_prio prio);
int Pool_Task_Arg(struct worker *, enum task_prio, task_func_t *,
const void *arg, size_t arg_len);
void Pool_Sumstat(const struct worker *w);
int Pool_TrySumstat(const struct worker *wrk);
void Pool_PurgeStat(unsigned nobj);
int Pool_Task_Any(struct pool_task *task, enum task_prio prio);
/* cache_range.c [VRG] */
void VRG_dorange(struct req *req, const char *r);
/* cache_req.c */
struct req *Req_New(const struct worker *, struct sess *);
void Req_Release(struct req *);
......@@ -939,7 +924,6 @@ void SES_Set_String_Attr(struct sess *sp, enum sess_attr a, const char *src);
const char *SES_Get_String_Attr(const struct sess *sp, enum sess_attr a);
/* cache_shmlog.c */
void VSLv(enum VSL_tag_e tag, uint32_t vxid, const char *fmt, va_list va);
void VSL(enum VSL_tag_e tag, uint32_t vxid, const char *fmt, ...)
__v_printflike(3, 4);
......@@ -972,24 +956,9 @@ VSLb_ts_busyobj(struct busyobj *bo, const char *event, double now)
void VSL_Flush(struct vsl_log *, int overflow);
/* cache_vary.c */
int VRY_Create(struct busyobj *bo, struct vsb **psb);
int VRY_Match(struct req *, const uint8_t *vary);
void VRY_Prep(struct req *);
void VRY_Clear(struct req *);
enum vry_finish_flag { KEEP, DISCARD };
void VRY_Finish(struct req *req, enum vry_finish_flag);
/* cache_vcl.c */
const char *VCL_Method_Name(unsigned);
const char *VCL_Name(const struct vcl *);
void VCL_Ref(struct vcl *);
void VCL_Refresh(struct vcl **);
void VCL_Rel(struct vcl **);
const char *VCL_Return_Name(unsigned);
const char *VCL_Method_Name(unsigned);
#define VCL_MET_MAC(l,u,t,b) \
void VCL_##l##_method(struct vcl *, struct worker *, struct req *, \
struct busyobj *bo, void *specific);
......@@ -1116,4 +1085,3 @@ DO_DEBUG(enum debug_bits x)
# include "cache/cache_priv.h"
......@@ -102,10 +102,20 @@ int PAN_already(struct vsb *, const void *);
/* cache_pool.c */
void Pool_Init(void);
int Pool_Task(struct pool *pp, struct pool_task *task, enum task_prio prio);
int Pool_Task_Arg(struct worker *, enum task_prio, task_func_t *,
const void *arg, size_t arg_len);
void Pool_Sumstat(const struct worker *w);
int Pool_TrySumstat(const struct worker *wrk);
void Pool_PurgeStat(unsigned nobj);
int Pool_Task_Any(struct pool_task *task, enum task_prio prio);
/* cache_proxy.c [VPX] */
task_func_t VPX_Proto_Sess;
/* cache_range.c [VRG] */
void VRG_dorange(struct req *req, const char *r);
/* cache_session.c */
void SES_NewPool(struct pool *, unsigned pool_no);
void SES_DestroyPool(struct pool *);
......@@ -118,12 +128,25 @@ void VSL_ChgId(struct vsl_log *vsl, const char *typ, const char *why,
uint32_t vxid);
void VSL_End(struct vsl_log *vsl);
/* cache_vary.c */
int VRY_Create(struct busyobj *bo, struct vsb **psb);
int VRY_Match(struct req *, const uint8_t *vary);
void VRY_Prep(struct req *);
void VRY_Clear(struct req *);
enum vry_finish_flag { KEEP, DISCARD };
void VRY_Finish(struct req *req, enum vry_finish_flag);
/* cache_vcl.c */
struct director *VCL_DefaultDirector(const struct vcl *);
const struct vrt_backend_probe *VCL_DefaultProbe(const struct vcl *);
void VCL_Init(void);
void VCL_Panic(struct vsb *, const struct vcl *);
void VCL_Poll(void);
void VCL_Ref(struct vcl *);
void VCL_Refresh(struct vcl **);
void VCL_Rel(struct vcl **);
const char *VCL_Return_Name(unsigned);
/* cache_vrt.c */
void VRTPRIV_init(struct vrt_privs *privs);
......@@ -137,6 +160,9 @@ void VMOD_Panic(struct vsb *);
/* http1/cache_http1_pipe.c */
void V1P_Init(void);
/* cache_http2_deliver.c */
void V2D_Init(void);
/* stevedore.c */
void STV_open(void);
void STV_close(void);
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