Commit c4ec4712 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

vcl: Make resp.proto read-only

One of the VCL 4.1 changes was to make the protocol read-only, which
we've successfully done for all variables except resp.proto that
kept the exact same definition for both 4.0 and 4.1 versions, despite
having distinct definitions.
parent 2ec7eaa6
varnishtest "VCL/VRT: url/request/proto/reason/status"
varnish v1 -errvcl "Variable is read only" {
sub vcl_deliver { set req.proto = "HTTP/1.2"; }
varnish v1 -errvcl "Variable is read only" {
sub vcl_deliver { set resp.proto = "HTTP/1.2"; }
varnish v1 -errvcl "Variable is read only" {
sub vcl_backend_response { set bereq.proto = "HTTP/1.2"; }
varnish v1 -errvcl "Variable is read only" {
sub vcl_backend_response { set beresp.proto = "HTTP/1.2"; }
server s1 {
......@@ -1191,8 +1191,6 @@ resp.proto ``VCL >= 4.1``
Readable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
Writable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
The HTTP protocol version to use for the response.
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