Changelog TLC

If you have feedback, additions or corrections, please prodive/commit
them before next Thursday, September 14, when I will continue to work on
release documentation unless someone else does it.
parent 5128c660
Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Varnish Software AS
Copyright (c) 2011-2023 Varnish Software AS
Copyright 2016-2023 UPLEX - Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
See LICENSE file for full text of license
.. role:: ref(emphasis)
About this document
......@@ -38,15 +41,116 @@ Varnish Cache NEXT (2023-09-15)
.. PLEASE keep this roughly in commit order as shown by git-log / tig
(new to old)
* The ``VSHA256_*`` functions have been added to libvarnishapi.
* The ``VSB_quote_pfx()`` (and, consequently, ``VSB_quote()``) function
no longer produces ``\v`` for a vertical tab. This improves
compatibility with JSON.
* The bundled *zlib* has been updated to match *zlib 1.3*.
* The ``VSHA256_*`` functions have been added to libvarnishapi (3946_).
* Tabulation of the ``vcl.list`` CLI output has been modified
* VCL now supports "protected headers", which can neither be set nor unset.
* The ``Content-Length`` and ``Transfer-Encoding`` headers are now
protected. For the common use case of ``unset
xxx.http.Content-Length`` to dismiss a body, ``unset xxx.body``
should be used.
* Error handling of numeric literals in exponent notation has been
improved in the VCL compiler (3971_).
* Finalization of the storage private state of busy objects has been
fixed. This bug could trigger a panic when ``vcl_synth {}`` was used
to replace the object body and storage was changed from one of the
built-in storage engines to a storage engine from an extension (3953_).
* HTTP/2 header field validation is now more strict with respect to
allowed characters (3952_).
* A bug has been fixed in the filter handling code which could trigger
a panic when ``resp.filters`` was used from ``vcl_synth {}`` (3968_).
* The utility macros ``ALLOC_OBJ_EXTRA()`` and ``ALLOC_FLEX_OBJ()``
have been added to ``miniobj.h`` to simplify allocation of objects
larger than a struct and such with a flexible array.
* The ``varnishapi`` version has been increased to 3.1 and the
functions ``VENC_Encode_Base64()`` and ``VENC_Decode_Base64()`` are
now exposed.
* Two bugs in the ban expression parser have been fixed where one of them
could lead to a panic if a ban expression with an empty header name was
issued (3962_)
issued (3962_).
* The ``v_cold`` macro has been added to add ``__attribute__((cold))``
on compilers supporting it. It is used for ``VRT_fail()`` to mark
failure code paths as cold.
* ``varnishtest`` now generates ``User-Agent`` request and ``Server``
response headers with the respective client and server name by
default. The ``txreq -nouseragent`` and ``txresp -noserver`` options
disable addition of these headers.
* Error handling of invalid header names has been improved in the VCL
Compiler (3960_).
* A race condition has been fixed in the backend probe code which
could trigger a panic with dynamic backends (dyn100_).
* A bug has been fixed in the ESI code which would prevent use of
internal status codes >1000 as their modulus 1000 value (3958_).
* The ``varnishd_args_prepend`` and ``varnishd_args_append`` macros
have been added to ``varnishtest`` to add arguments to ``varnishd``
invocations before and after the defaults.
* A bug has been fixed where ``varnishd`` would hang indefinitely when
the worker process would not come up within ``cli_timeout`` (3940_).
* The ``startup_timeout`` parameter now specifically replaces
``cli_timeout`` for the initial startup only (3940_).
* On Linux, ``close_range()`` is now used if available (3905_).
* Error reporting has been improved if the working directory
(``varnishd -n`` argument) resides on a file system mounted
``noexec`` (3943_).
* The number of backtrace levels in panic reports has been increased
from 10 to 20.
* The ``PTOK()`` macro has been added to ``vas.h`` to simplify error
checking of ``pthread_*`` POSIX functions.
* In ``varnishtest``, the basename of the test directory is now
available as the ``vtcid`` macro to serve as a unique string across
concurrently running tests.
* In ``struct vsmwseg`` and ``struct vsm_fantom``, the ``class``
member has been renamed to ``category``.
* ESI ``onerror=abort`` handling has been fixed when ``max_esi_depth``
is reached (3938_).
* A spurious *Could not delete 'vcl\_...'* error message has been
removed (3925_).
* A bug has been fixed where ``unset bereq.body`` had no effect when
used with a cached body (3914_)
* ``.vcc`` files of VMODs are now installed to
``/usr/share/varnish/vcc`` (or equivalent) to enable re-use by other
tools like code editors.
* The :ref:`vcl-step(7)` manual page has been added to document the
VCL state machines.
* ``HSH_Cancel()`` has been moved to ``VDP_Close()`` to enable
transports to keep references to objects.
* VCL tracing now needs to be explicitly activated by setting the
``req.trace`` or ``bereq.trace`` VCL variables, which are
initialized from the ``feature +trace`` flag. Only if the trace
......@@ -80,20 +184,30 @@ Varnish Cache NEXT (2023-09-15)
logged under the ``Error`` tag as ``Failed to create object object
from %s %s``.
* ``varnishtest`` gained the macro ``varnishd_args`` to globally
append additional arguments to the ``varnishd`` command line. Macros
in this macro's value will be expanded.
* The limit on the size of ``varnishtest`` macros has been raised to
* The newly introduced abstract socket support was incompatible with
other implementations, this has been fixed (3908_).
.. _3905:
.. _3908:
.. _3911:
.. _3914:
.. _3925:
.. _3938:
.. _3940:
.. _3943:
.. _3946:
.. _3952:
.. _3953:
.. _3958:
.. _3960:
.. _3962:
.. _3968:
.. _3971:
.. _dyn100:
Varnish Cache 7.3.0 (2023-03-15)
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